Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

George could only stare at his surroundings with a gaped mouth and wide eyes. This place was such a child's delight in its whimsical decoration. How did such a place exist?

"C'mon, we've got to walk into Santa's Village," Devinah's voice distracted his attention, so he turned to see her holding out a pair of snowshoes.

"This is a... marvel," he gasped.

"You haven't seen anything yet. The Village is much more spectacular," Devinah assured him.

"Just look at all this snow. It's perfect for snowball fights, snowmen, and sledding!"

Devinah looked at him with raised brows, "I'd say you belong in Santa's Village, but I'm pretty sure Santa and Sander have that all worked out."

"Santa as in real Santa?" George asked excitedly.

Devinah eyed him warily this time, not sure where his joyful expression came from, "yes, why is that thrilling for you?"

"It's Santa as in Santa is a real person. Wow, do you know how awesome that is?"

"Obviously not."

"Santa's Village, I can't wait to see it," George couldn't hide his giddy buzz.


Devinah waved him forward, so George trudged through the snow with eager steps. When they made it to the top of the rise, George's mouth gaped even wider at the sight before him.

Below him stood a snowy scene that depicted the realm of Santa to perfection. Every building resembled a pristine gingerbread house, each with icicles hanging from the eaves.

As they grew closer, George could see Elves all dressed in red, green, and gold wandering the streets. Everyone bustled along with a cheery wave and a greeting for every Elf they met.

"Santa's Village," George said in amazement.

"The one and only. It's pretty spectacular," Devinah nodded her head around the Holidaze.

"You have no idea. The world I'm from can't even try to look as good at Christmas as this place does," George said in awe.

"I've been to the human dimension and I can only agree with you."

George paused in sloshing through the snow, "you've been to my world?"

"I worked with Cupid, who had to go and shoot arrows at humans to make love matches, so, yes, I've been there many times."

"Oh, I guess I didn't think of it that way," George mused as he continued walking.

Together they continued to trek through the powdery snow. Making it into the heart of Santa's Village showed a splendour and cheer that humbled George. All the happy faces, giggling children and Christmas festivities surrounded him with a joy he'd never known the like of.

To his surprise, George found his eyes growing moist at the nostalgia enveloping him. This place was a wonder that he couldn't begin to describe. It brought all his childhood memories clear in his mind of when he had believed in Santa Claus.

"What took you so long?" a voice George had never heard before stole his focus.

A blonde Adonis stood before him with piercing blue eyes and a muscle-bound body that only made George feel inadequate. George had to look away from the intimidating presence as he gulped in a breath.

"Cupid, good to see your attitude remains the same," Devinah drawled.

"Get over here, you," Cupid dragged Devinah into a friendly hug, "it's good to know you finally turned up. You had me worried."

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