Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

The second memory came in the hands of a carefully stitched together man who called himself Frank. He was massive and took up a lot of space within Salem's childhood rooms. Salem had never expected such a common, earthly name until Frank fully introduced himself.

"Frank Stein, middle name Ken," Frankenstein winked unsubtly and Salem got the joke.

The Halloween Holidaze never ceased to amuse Salem with its little jokes. Frank definitely used his name in such a way as to encourage the joke.

"Is there something funny about Frank?" Devinah asked as she saw Salem trying not to snicker.

"Frankenstein is a character in books and movies in the human world. He's brought to life by a mad scientist. The way he separated his name just now sounded funny," Salem replied with a shrug.

"Am I that well known in the human world?" Frank asked in amazement.

Salem nodded, "you are."

"Maybe your time within the human world really was as valuable as I've heard," Frank replied with a smile that skewed to the side with the way the stitches went through his upper lip.


"You learnt about us, Salem. You learnt about how the humans see us. I think it's given you a different view on our world then what you had," Frank replied.

"That's probably a good thing," Devinah said.

"It is for certain," Frank agreed.

"Let's move onto the memory you hold," Salem moved the subject away from him.

"Ah, yes, here we go," Frank handed over the item he had held back.

Salem had no idea exactly what this might contain. After the revelations of what Spook.D.Vine showed him, he braced himself for the truth of this coming memory.

Young Salem stood within his rooms and faced Severson with a grim smile. Older Salem drew in a breath and prepared himself for what would happen next.

"Do we have to do this?" young Salem asked.

"Yes, we do," Severson replied looking the least severe that older Salem had ever seen him.

"It just doesn't feel right to silence everyone."

"The plan will work out a lot better if they no longer see me as threatening. Trust me, Salem, we have to do this," Severson held his hand towards the boy.

"You're still scary to me, Da," Salem clasped his father's hand and placed something within it.

"That's good to know. Now remember what you have to do," Severson encouraged the boy.

"Tell nobody, not Gardemon, Funtily or even mum that I made the Promise Keeper. I am the power behind the secret," Salem said solemnly.


"Have you everything organised?" Faye asked as she bustled into the room.

"Yes, and we have discussed the many precautions," Severson nodded.

"I have gathered everyone within the throne room," Faye replied.

"Good, then let's close those slackened jaws awaiting us and make me lose my prestigious footing," Severson said with a derisive chuckle.

Something occurred to the older Salem then and he waved a hand so the memory would stop. He turned to Frank with a puzzled expression.

"He gave up the throne that day. He deliberately made himself look weak so that I could take over when he returned," Salem said with growing ire.

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