Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

After seeing Santa's Village, George wasn't sure what to expect of the Valentine's Holidaze. Would it just be all love hearts and arrows? His growing anxiety clutched at him as he straightened his shirt and prepared for anything.

After the earlier experience with the fortune teller, which shook him more than he'd ever admit, he wasn't sure of anything. Everything in all of these crazy Holidaze shook his known world around in the most uncomfortable manner.

"C'mon, George, I promise its beautiful in there, just like in Santa's Village," Devinah nudged his arm as she spoke, distracting George's thoughts, which she always managed to do, "as long as they restored it to its previous brilliance."

"Previous brilliance?" he raised his eyebrows in question.

"Long story, I'll tell you one day," she replied with a roll of her eyes.

Without any hesitation, she grasped his hand and strode through the heart shaped opening. George found himself so distracted by the warmth of her small hand in his that he had no time to ponder his entry into the Valentine's Holidaze.

As with the sight of Santa's Village, his mouth gaped open at the visage of the Valentine's Holidaze. The cherubs he had expected, but not such a profusion of them darting through the air like excited gulls.

Following them was Cupid, who George recognised but wasn't happy to see, a gorgeous red haired woman, and a child, all flying in graceful swoops. It took George a moment to recognise the chasing game for what it was. The child giggled outrageously as he flew along and reached for a dodging cherub.

"Devinah!" the redhaired woman called out.

With a quick glance upwards, Devinah watched the frolicking group, "Mia, its good to see you so joyously filling your role," Devinah teased as Mia landed in front of her and pulled her into a hug, "this place looks a lot better than when I left here."

"I guess we finally figured out that it takes a Goddess and God of Love to make this place tick," Mia winked.

"Still, I love the trouble you caused him, before you decided to fall for the big lug," Devinah grinned devilishly.

"The God of Love is as irresistible as ever," Mia laughed.

"No joking over me," Cupid said as he landed with Connelly in his arms.

George stood there and endured the camaraderie between the three of them. There was a closeness that he felt he'd never had from anyone in his life, including his mother. He wanted to experience this type of relationship.

"Who's our extra guest?" Mia asked as she turned to George.

Before George could say anything, Cupid guffawed and George narrowed his eyes on him. Devinah then dragged him from his growing anger by pulling on his arm and dragging him towards the redhead.

"Cupid, stop it! Mia, this is George, he's the new King of Halloween," Devinah introduced him with an eloquence that George hadn't expected.

"Hello, George," Mia held her hand towards him to shake, and George, grateful for something familiar shook her hand heartily, "I'm Mia."

"No, you're not. You're Caramia, Goddess of Love," Cupid argued.

"Stop it, Cupid!" both women protested as they crossed their arms and glowered at him.

"What did I do?" Cupid shrugged innocently.

"You've come from the human world, haven't you?" Mia asked softly.

"How do you know?" George exclaimed.

"You've got the same bewildered expression I had when I first became a part of this world," Mia said wryly.

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