Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Devinah stared around the room with her mouth opening and closing. She couldn't form any words as she saw George's life spread out before her.

"So, what do you reckon?" George cleared his throat before asking.

"This is a shrine to you of your childhood," Devinah said in amazement.

"It does look that way. The voice said that my mother took me away from my life here. That she took me away from my family. The voice reckons that I'm Salem," George admitted.

Devinah's eyes widened even further, "who is this voice you keep hearing?"

"I don't know but I have a feeling that it's the proper king of this place, you know the guy named Sever... something or is it, Sebastian?"


"The voice said that he'd never call his son George, so it makes sense that its him," George replied.

"Have you ever considered that you might actually be this Salem?" Devinah asked as she gestured around the room.

"That's what you get from this?" George frowned.

"These are your childhood photos, aren't they?"

"Yes, but..."

Devinah interrupted, "look at that petting zoo picture. It's exactly like the one that appeared instead of the haunted house," Devinah picked up the one photo to show him.

"I can't be this Salem, can I?" George pleaded with her to tell him exactly what he wanted to hear.

"It would explain the dragon and the fiery red eyes that have scared everyone into listening to you," Devinah mused.

"That's not me," George argued, sounding less certain than he meant to.

"George, you need to listen to me. You have vampires, witches, ghouls, goblins and even the headless horseman bowing to your every whim. Believe me, it's not only because you're the king of this realm," she took a step towards him, and George sucked in a breath, "it's also because of what's in here," she tapped his chest.

"The voice also said that you've never been the delighter of the world," George babbled.

"Huh?" Devinah reeled backwards at the unexpected news.

"He wouldn't tell me what you are. He said that you needed to figure that out."

Being so close to Devinah was a stimulating experience and George found it hard to stop his mouth from chattering. He ignored all of the other facets of his life to focus on her.

The way she peered at him with those piercing blue eyes. Then there was the delightful aroma that always wafted around her. What he wouldn't give to reach out and touch her.

"I'm not the delighter of the world?" Devinah whispered.

George had to pull his thoughts back into line at the distress in her voice, "not according to the voice that insists my mother stole me from this world."

He couldn't resist as he reached out and pushed a strand of her hair off her cheek. With a gasp, Devinah snapped her eyes up to meet his. She stared at him before reaching a hand towards where he touched her. Carefully, he rested his hand back on her cheek. It amazed him that she wanted him closer.

"Aren't you scared of the dragon you think I have within me?" George asked and her soft smile made his chest bloom with warmth.

"No, you'd never hurt me."

"You can't know that."

Blue eyes met green and Devinah's smile turned blinding in its beauty, "yes, I can. You've only ever protected me as the dragon. I'm fact, your dragon appeared on the first day we met when Phineas talked about how delicious a morsel I would be."

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