Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"I'm starting to believe that maybe I do belong here," Devinah dared to whisper.

Salem met her gaze with wide green eyes, "you are?"

"When you said that I was the scarer of the world it felt right," she admitted.

"You are."

"I've even told the Higher Gods did they think I was the scarer of the world, back when they first put me here. What do you know, I was right, and they finally found my correct Holidaze. I am the Scarer of the World," she said with more conviction.

"You sure are," Salem beamed at her.

He leaned in to leave a brief kiss against her lips. Devinah fastened her lips onto his and fused their bodies together.

The sheer joy she had at now belonging enveloped her. She needed Salem to know exactly how much his discovery meant to her.

The kiss fired between them creating a paradox of sensation. Devinah found herself swept away in a sea of wondrous pleasure. His lips were a fire brand that she never wanted to lose.

Only at his last touch did she pull away and her fingers crept to her lips "ouch!" she exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Salem asked as he ran his hands along her sides.

"You really need to get control of your dragon, you hurt me," Devinah said as she tentatively touched her lips.

"Did I hurt you? I would never hurt you, Devinah," Salem reached out to touch her and she leapt backwards.

"Your skin, its blazing hot," she insisted.

"Is it?"

"Yes, you burnt me."

Salem looked Devinah over carefully. When he saw no burn marks upon her features, he relaxed. He reached out to touch her again, but she backed away.

"You have no burn marks, I promise. I would never hurt you," Salem softened his voice.

"But it burnt," she said in confusion.

"I think you're right and I am going to have to get my dragon under control. The last thing I want is for you to think that I'd ever hurt you," he said as he stroked his fingers across her cheek.

"It means we're going to have to talk to your mother again," Devinah warned him.


"Because she had control of your dragon ever since she stole you away. She knows what to do. As much as I don't want to have to talk to her, the only way you get to touch me again is with you gaining control," Devinah tapped her lips and with a sigh, Salem accepted the inevitable.

Salem had no idea where the dungeon existed, but he didn't want to ask anyone about it either. He frowned and considered which direction to head in.

"It's down here," Devinah said as she reached for his hand.

Salem didn't let the opportunity pass him by and he slipped his fingers into hers and hoped his temperature had dropped. She made no move to snatch her hand back. No matter what, he would control the dragon within him and never make her think that he'd burnt her again.

With his resolve set, he followed her to a winding staircase heading down into an inky abyss. Salem had expected his footfalls to echo on the stone, but they did the opposite. Every step fell deadly quiet, which only made the darkness in front of him more eerie.

Devinah's hand tightened in his and he couldn't be more grateful for her presence. She froze on the stair and Salem halted his movements as well. Only then did he hear the unexpected voices. It took him a moment to focus, but when he did it was hard to contain his fury.

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