Chapter 2: Electric Boogaloo

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In an old barn, a barn withered by the age of time, a mystical creature, a wise creature, called Horsey the second, was awakening, its eyes opened to greet the fresh new day...

Only to be stopped by the same oak tree that stopped your dad from driving drunk.

Horsey locked eyes with the mystical the tree, its glistening dampness shone in the dim light, Horsey thought about the trees wide and thick branches, some were longer, and others were shorter. Horsey came to the conclusion that size did not matter, and that in fact the glistening tree was perfect in every way.

However what horsey did not know was that soon the trees days will end...

The oak tree would eventually respire it's last cellular respiration...

Soon the oak tree would photosynthesise its last photosynthesis...

There would be no oak tree there to stop your dad from driving drunk.

Horsey must learn its glistening, wise, mystical, damp, mysterious ways and stop your dad from getting the mysterious disease called Ligmaboogaloo, obtained from not returning with the milk...

horsey knew what he must do to learn its wisdom... Horsey must fight the tree.

The wise and mystical oak trees thick and glistening branches shone under the damp light. fresh and moist afternoon breeze brushes against Horseys thick coat sending a tingle down Horseys fractured spine. A feeling no Horsey could explain, the thought of what must be done sending chills deep inside Horsey. Only the damp long sword could fight defeat the oak tree that stopped your dad from driving drunk...

HorseyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang