Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Shauna, One Way Or Another is on MTV! Come quick!" Amy, my best friend, shouts up to me.

I was in my room with my boyfriend Conor and when I heard what Amy said I looked at him, gave him a small smile and ran down to the sitting room where Amy was. Yeah... You should kind of know that me, Amy and our other friend Shannon have an unhealthy obsession with One Direction. We're massive Directioners and we frown upon Directionators.

I walk into the sitting room to find Amy and Shannon jumping all over the place trying to dance to the song currently playing. Amy's boyfriend Luke is sitting down on the couch looking at Amy and Shannon's terrible excuse of dancing, he looks almost horrified. Conor walks in slowly behind me and starts laughing watching them.

"You guys are terrible." He chuckles. Shannon turns around and gives him a death stare. He just laughs again and goes to sit beside Luke. I join the girls at dancing. Niall comes on in the shower and might I say YUM! If my boyfriend wasn't right there now I would lick the TV screen.

"ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, I'M GUNNA FIND YAH, I'M GUNNA GETCHA GETCHA GETCHA GETCHA!" We all chorus together, except Conor and Luke because they don't like One Direction, creeps right? They're just jealous anyway because I love One Direction more. Haha fail on you Conor.

The song ends and the girls and I stop dancing. I jump onto Conors lap and Amy does the same with Luke. Shannon just sits in the arm chair because she doesn't have a boyfriend, she had broken up with her last one like two months ago, even though she's actually beautiful with her short cherry red hair and blue eyes it makes me wonder why every guy isn't lining up outside her door for her. She claims she's forever alone with her twenty-one cats but I'm sure she'll find someone new soon.

"Amy, our plans for dinner are at 8 and it's 6:30 now. You take ages to get ready! C'mon we have to go." Luke tells Amy getting up. Since Amy was sitting on his lap, she stumbles off, being the clumsy girl she is. Luke catches her arm and gently helps her back up onto her feet.

Awh, they're just so cute together. It's true that opposites match, Amy's a little 5' 3" person and Luke's almost 6' and they go together like peanut butter and jelly.

"You're so clumsy." Luke chuckles as he grabs her hand entwining their fingers together.

"I know... What would I ever do without you saving me from brain damage?" She says smiling up at him. He bends down and gives her a gentle kiss on the lips.

"Ewwwwwwwwy!" Shannon, Conor and I shout out at the public display of affection happening in my sitting room.

"Oh grow up." Amy says rolling her eyes at us. This amuses Luke and he smashes his lips to Amy's, practically eating her face. I throw a pillow at them, they don't get away with that kind of stuff in my house.

"Oh how I love winding you guys up," Luke winks. "But we seriously better be off before Amy takes about three hours to get ready and we miss our dinner plans." It's true, Amy takes so long to get ready, she likes to be perfect.

"Alright, see yah, you two lovers. Don't forget to use protection though! We don't want mini Luke's and Amy's running around the place." Conor jeers. Shannon and I burst out laughing. Luke tries to hold his laugh and Amy scoffs.

"Immature cunt." Amy mumbles as she grabs Luke's hand and drags him out the door.

"She's soooo easy to wind up." I giggle.

"I know and she gets really thick then." Shannon adds.

Conor's phone begins ringing. The name 'Mom' flashed on the screen. He tells us to shush by putting his index finger to his lips and then answers his phone.

"Hey Mom." Conor answers smiling.

His smile immediately. changes into a deadly serious face, he turns as white as a ghost. I look at Shannon frowning and she just shrugs her shoulders in reply. I move closer into Conor to try hear the other speaker.

"HELP CONOR!" I hear his mom cry on the other line. He stands up quickly, bringing me up with him.

"I'll be right there Mom, don't worry." He hangs up then turns to me. "OK I've really got to go but I'll ring you later." He pecks me on the lips and hugs Shannon before walking out the door frustrated.

"I hope everythings OK...." I mumble. Shannon nods in agreement.

A/N One Direction - One Way Or Another on sidebar ------------------->

Also a picture of Shauna on there too ----------------->

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