Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

It's 8:27 am, I'm just after getting off the phone with Amy who was just at Shannon's but still Shannon is no where to be found. And that's because that person has her, I have the feeling.

Should I go to the police? I don't think there's anything they can do.. I guess they could send out a search party for her but the person could've changed her appearance completely so it's useless.

I'm so fucking pissed! I really don't know what I could've done to someone that would drive them to the point of killing and kidnapping the people closest to me. I have to keep Amy close, to make sure nothing happens to her. I need to save Shannon too, I just have to figure out where I'm supposed to start if I want to find her.

The mail slot opening and closing loudly snaps me out of my thoughts. I've actually got mail for once, I never get mail so this is exciting for me.

I make my way out of my room, but not before catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My make up is smudged all over my face, I forgot to take it off last night. I guess the mail can wait like two minutes. I get a make up wipe and begin removing the black all around me eyes, I looked like a panda. It helps, but I still look like a mess.

I continue walking down the stairs then see just a tiny piece of paper that was after being pushed through the mail slot. I don't care, as I said before I never get mail so I'm happy to see even just that little letter.

I pick it up all proud with myself for getting mail. But it's when I read it that I realize that this isn't the type of mail I was hoping for...

''Hello there Shauna, 

It's me again, 

Go to the lily flower shop,  

If you wanna see your friend.''

Another riddle, great. OK so the lily flower shop? The one where Shannon got me the lilies. Oh this person is actually such a stalker, I mean seriously. I guess I better get started if I want to find Shannon.

I run back up the stairs and get a pair of sweats and a hoodie, I put on my converse quickly before grabbing my keys and purse.

I start up the car and drive out of my driveway. Then I realize, I don't actually know where that flower shop is. Amy knows but I'm not dragging her into this mess. Shannon said it was called Brenda's Bouquet, it was small and it was pink with blue writing. I'm going to be driving around all day.

I've passed multiple flower shops but none of them are Brenda's Bouquet. I decide that it would be best to ask a person that's walking on the sidewalk. I see an elderly woman carrying a bunch of lilies and I think she'd probably be a good one to ask. I pull over, get out of my car and walk up to her.

"Sorry miss, but do you happen to know where a flower shop named Brenda's Bouquet might be?" I ask smiling politely.

"Oh I was just there! Just go to the end of this street and turn right, you can't miss it." She tells me. She talks with hand movements, just like Amy. I find it funny when people do that, Amy constantly gets teased about it.

"Thank you." I say before jogging back into my car. So, down this street and turn right. I can't miss it.

I follow her instructions and sure enough there's a little shop named "Brenda's Bouquet". Shannon was right, it's a lovely store, if you would even call the little thing a store.

I walk inside and I'm greeted by a middle aged woman that's probably named Brenda, hence the name of the shop. The shop is tiny and packed full of loads of different types of flowers, the smell is amazing.

"Hello." The woman greets with a smile as I walk up to her.

"Hi, have you seen a man with a girl that has brown long hair. The girls like really pretty." I tell her trying to give as much detail as I can, but I'm not very good at describing.

"There was a man, but no girl." My hearts sinks as she says that. "But the man left a bouquet of lilies for a girl named Shauna Blake, he said she'd have high-lighted hair and blue eyes which you do, so are you Shauna Blake?" She adds.

"Eh.. yeah, that's me"

"Oh here you are, he said you'd be coming in soon." She hands me the lilies. There's a little card stuck in the middle with "Shauna <3" written across it.

I thank the woman and walk out of the shop back to my car. I put the lilies beside me in the passenger seat and take out the little card. Another riddle..

"Hello there Shauna,  

Did you get a fright, 

Go to the closest cafe, 

And see what might be in sight."

Now I have to find a cafe, goddammit! The closest cafe... It shouldn't be that hard.

And it isn't. There's a little tiny cafe right across the road from Brenda's Bouquet. Its called 'The Coffee Cup', how original.

I just need to walk across the road to get there, no need to drive. I walk into the cafe and a little bell above the door rings. A girl about my age comes running out from what I'd say is the staffs room.

"Are you Shauna Blake?" She asks immediately. This is definitely the place then, I wonder what's in here for me.

"Yes, have you got something for me that a man gave you?" I ask walking closer to the counter.

She smiles before giving me a coffee cup.

"Yes, he came in here and told me you were having a rough day. He ordered you tea and gave me a note to give you." She says smiling. She probably thinks this man wasn't evil.

"Oh OK, thanks." I say taking the note and my tea from her hand. She smiles and walks back into the staff room. Yes, stalker, he knows I love tea now..

I open the note, ready for my next journey, it reads: 

"Hello there Shauna, 

Do you like your tea, 

Go home and relax, 

Tomorrow there will be more clues to find me.''

Wow, all that for nothing. Seriously? I guess I should do what the person says, he's probably watching me right now. Creepy bastard...

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