Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Shannon suggested that going shopping would be the best way to get my mind off things. So that's exactly what we'll do. She wanted it to be a girls day out but Amy insisted on bringing Luke for our protection. And I couldn't agree more.

So being in New York we decided to go to Time Square, with the M&M World for chocolate because Shannon and Luke were awful chocoholics. And then we were going to go to Nandos for food because the chicken there is absolutely amazing!

We went into Claire's and bought One Direction bracelets, I put mine on straight away because they're actually so cool! I know that sounds kind of weird for a twenty-one year old to say but I just love One Direction so much! Then it was time for Nandos, the best part of today for me.

In Nandos alot of people were staring at me. I knew it was because I was the girlfriend of the guy and his mother who was killed and they probably just recognised me from newspapers or something. But I was still paranoid, I don't like being the centre of attention very much. I sound so much like Amy right now.

I get Peri Peri chicken, like I usually do, and sit down at the table with my friends. No one talks, it was just silent. But it isn't an awkward silence, no it's the comfortable silence that I like.

"Ugh, can we go home now I hate shopping with you's because you's want everything is sight." Luke complains. Well I believe he should blame his girlfriend for that, her favourite thing was going shopping.

"No I want to get some brown hair dye and hair extensions." Shannon says. "Actually why don't you guys go and I'll see you later at Shauna's house?" She suggests. Whoa, she'll look so different with brown long hair now, I haven't seen her like that since she dyed it red and cut it up to her shoulders. It broke Amy's heart when Shannon cut her hair short. You see Amy wants long hair more than anything but her hair wont grow fast and it's killing her. Amy and Shannon used to kind of look alike at first, they had the same brown hair colour and they resembled, but Shannon dyed hers and Amy stayed natural.

"Alright talk to you later Shan."

Since we drove in her car to get here we had to take a cab to get home and split the fare between the three of us. It took about fifteen minutes and we were back at my place.

Something sparked a bit of curiosity in all of us, the front door was wide open. But I locked it when we left this morning? Oh for Gods sake I'm after being robbed. Great another thing to be worrying about now.

"The place is after being trashed." Luke tells me looking in the door. I groan, now I was going to have to ring the insurance company too.

"That's the last thing I needed right now!" I whine putting my head in my hands.

"Come on into the sitting room, you need to sit down." Amy guides me into the room. My bookcase turned over and all the books scattered all over the place. Pictures flung around the room too. And then there was one thing that hurt the most... A picture of Conor and I on our graduation day had been ruined, and I mean ruined. Conor was tore out of it, the picture had loads of holes like it had been stabbed and my eyes were scratched out.

"I'm so sorry." Luke apologises putting his hand of my shoulder. I just give him a weak smile. What else could I do?

Then I saw a piece of paper left beside the picture. I pick it up out of curiosity but highly regret it as I read it.

"So judging by your One Direction bracelets I say you like 1D. Well here's a 'little thing' for you... One way or another, I'm gonna find you, I'm gonna getcha getcha getcha, one day maybe next week I'm gonna find you... That's right Shauna, keep your eyes open."

And then if that wasn't bad enough, my backdoor slams. The noise makes me flinch giving me a fright. I was now trembling with fear.

"I'll go check that out." Luke announces bravely. A look of uneasiness passes over Amy, grabbing his hand and pulling him back.

"What? No!" She begs.

"Amy let go." He instructs sternly.

"Well... Be careful then." She pleads.

"I will be." He kisses the top of her head before heading towards my backdoor. I feel faint right now. Luke better watch himself out there. He's nothing when you put him up against Conor and the person still managed to kill him. Why do I keep reminding myself about that? Gosh, I'm so stupid.

And that's when I saw something else, making me fall to the ground hyperventilating. Outside my sitting room window was a person, all dressed in black covering it's face, like in my dream. It was staring in at Amy and I watching our actions. What made everything worse was that I made eye contact with the monster, looking right into its stone hard eyes.

"Shauna?!" Amy shouts. But I couldn't talk, I barely could manage breathing. I point towards the window with a shaky hand. Amy looks out for a few seconds before turning back to me with a confused expression.

"There's nothing there..." She hushes getting down beside me rubbing my back.

"I swear Amy there was someone there!" I shout, begging for her to believe me. They all must think I'm gone crazy, I'm surprised they haven't abandoned me yet. They're really good friends for sticking around.

"Nothing was ther- Whoa Shauna whats wrong?" Luke enters looking worried.

I tried to get the words in my head to explain the thing I just saw but I knew they weren't going to believe me. If I was someone else then I probably wouldn't even believe me.

"I-I just saw someone looking in at me and A-Amy... I mean I didn't see its face because it was covered but I s-saw its eyes, we made eye contact... I know it's the person who did this and killed Conor! You guys have to believe me.." My voice cracks with the last sentence because I knew by their faces that they didn't.

Why did my life get so bad in the click of my fingers? I don't deserve this....

A/N Picture of Luke on sidebar ------------------------->

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