Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Today is the day of Conors funeral. Words cannot describe how hard this day is gonna be for me. Me and Conor have been going out since we were 16 years old, that was five years ago. I love him so much and I always will.

We have such great memories together. I remember them all just like they happened yesterday, like the first time he told me he loved me...


I'm so excited! Conor and I have been going out six months today and he's taking me out for a picnic beneath the starry sky. Amy and Shannon are in my closet trying to pick out my outfit, I insisted I do it myself but they wouldn't let me. It's my date...

Shannon got this gorgeous blue dress out that I didn't even know I had in there and then Amy got my favourite black heels, that I wore when Conor and I were officially boyfriend and girlfriend, to go with the dress. I told them that they could do my hair but I'm doing my make up, I hate it when other people do my make up. Only I'm allowed to do my make up.

"I want my hair curly, like it was the night Conor asked me out." I told them twirling my hair around my finger. Amy nodded and took out my special curler straightener and handed it to Shannon while she got the hairspray and backcombing brush.

Shannon finished curling my hair after about twenty minutes and then stood to the side to let Amy backcomb some of my layers. Then I did my make up in the bathroom. I was finished, at long last. I stepped back to look at myself in the mirror, my bright blue eyes stood out from the eyeliner I had on, all blemishes covered up, lips looking perfectly glossy, eyelashes at a long length and my just below shoulder length hair had loose curls in them, I liked it.

I stepped out of the bathroom with my make up bag in my left hand into my room where Amy and Shannon were waiting having a conversation about something weird I presume. Their faces lit up when they saw me.

"Wow, Conor's gonna love that." Amy winked, I blushed and looked down, hopefully my blush isn't obvious and the make-up covers it, or else they'll make fun of me for still blushing six months into my relationship. I hope he does think I look amazing though.

I walked to the place Conor told me to meet him. I knew I was there when there was a blanket laid on the grass with a picnic basket and a smiley Conor waiting for me.

"Shauna you look beautiful... I mean you always look beautiful... But wow..." I laughed at his terrible attempt to flatter me, well it was sweet but you know what I mean.

"You look good too." I smiled and gave him a hug. We lay down and ate some of the food Conor had prepared. Then it turned into a food fight because we act like children alot. Conor threw a little sandwich at me and got ham and butter all over my dress, that's when it got serious. I pounced on him and tickled him until he had more than enough.

After all that happening we just lay on the blanket, my head on Conors chest and his arm around my waist. The sky was so beautiful, Conor was too. I looked up at him and smiled. He had just gotten his hair cut so it was short, the way I like it, and his gorgeous green eyes shone in the starlight. He has this mole on his neck, which I absolutly love, I mean I think it's adorable! He sat up and I copied him, he lent in slowly and kissed me softly. When we pulled we just looked into each others eyes. Then he said those three words every girl wants to hear...

"I love you." Conor whispered. I smiled and whispered back

"I love you too."


Remembering that memory makes me cry, I realise I'm never gonna hear those special three words come out of his mouth ever again...

I put on a black dress with a lace bottom that flows out, with the black heels I wore when Conor asked me out and told me he loved me, my favourite ones in the whole world. For the make up I just put on some foundation, a little mascara and some reddish lipgloss.

"You ready Shauna?" Luke asks peeping in the door. We had become closer since the day Conor went, mainly because we knew what the other one was going through.

"Yep... Wheres Amy and Shannon?" I ask noticing they weren't with Luke.

"They're just finishing off their make up, they couldn't find waterproof mascara or something." Luke gives a weak smile. I had bought waterproof stuff especially for today, I'm gonna be crying so much.

Amy and Shannon come in the door, both wearing black dresses like me, Amy's a skater dress and Shannon's a midi dress. They didn't put on much make up either just foundation, mascara and clear lipgloss. Amy walked over to Luke grabbed his hand. I don't think any of us is going to come out of that church with atleast one tear after streaming down our cheek.

"Lets go." Shannon announces quietly. We walked out to her car and headed for the church.

Mass began and I had a speech prepared. I asked Amy to come up with me so she could finish my speech simply because I knew I wasn't going to get to to the end without breaking down.

The priest called me up and I stood up to the microphone. "I'm Conors girlfriend, Shauna. Thanks everyone for coming today... For Conor and Marie, I know they're happy that you all came to say goodbye. I hope God treats them well because they surely deserve to be.. They were such amazing people, Conor was always there for me, I loved him more than words can describe..." And that's when the tears started. Amy stood up and took my place. She finished my speech, her voice cracked a few times but she held it together. We walk back down to our seats together holding hands. I got loads of sympathetic looks from people, everyone knew about me and Conors loving relationship.

Mass ended and all four of us were crying. Shannon and I cried together as Amy and Luke cried together. Next was the burial in the graveyard, the official goodbye to Conor and Marie. The hardest part of today.

As the coffins were lowered slowly into the neatly dug out hole, I sobbed loudly not caring who was there. I was holding Shannon's hand and she squeezed mine in comfort.

"I love you, forever and always. Sleep peacefully... Goodbye."

A/N Shannon on the sidebar, just pretend she has blue instead of brown eyes ----------->

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