Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

My second day of search for Shannon. I hope it's going to be more useful than yesterday, I mean he told me to go to two places and then back home, it wasn't even necessary? All it showed is that he's stalking me.

I wonder if he knows about the baby, I wonder if he realizes how heartless he is to kill a unborn baby's father. He probably realized it and only kidnapped Shannon, trying to go easy on me. Well I'm sorry but stress isn't good for a baby either, so fail.

I've been lying in my bed for about 2 hours staring at my ceiling. It's about 11am in the morning and I just really want to get started on the riddles. I love puzzles, but not these ones.

I decide I should probably go eat some breakfast before I start my journey, I didn't get any yesterday and I couldn't think straight at all.

I straighten out my pyjamas when I get out of the bed and make my way downstairs to the kitchen. The house is freezing! It's usually never cold but right now if you spilled water on the floor it would freeze.

I reach the kitchen and that's when I find out why my house is so cold, the window is left wide open. It's nearly broken off the hinges that it's open so much. I notice a white thing fluttering underneath my iPad from the wind. I walk over and take it up, it's a riddle, meaning the creep was in my house!

"Hello there Shauna, 

Watch the latest clip, 

Since its Sunday I'll let you off, 

But you might flip."

What the hell does that mean? And why the fuck do all these creepy riddle things always start with 'Hello there Shauna'? I'm freaking out here!

Watch the latest clip... OK so the note was under my iPad so he probably means the last video recording. I unlock my iPad and it goes straight to a new recording.

It's Shannon... What the fuck? Do I even want to see this? She's in her fairy dress from the Halloween costume, it's dirty and torn. Her make-up is smudged all over her face like she's been crying the whole time. She's in a room that's got only a cement floor and it's filthy! Her legs are tied together, her wrists are too behind her back and she's sitting in a corner.

I push myself to press play, but I've got the tissues ready, I'll need them.

"Shauna! Oh my god, pleeeeeeeease help me! Please! He's locked me here for 2 days now, he hasn't even fed me! He won't show his face and his voice is muffled when he talks! Please help me Shauna, I'm begging you. He's torturing me, if I ask for food his kicks me, but I'm so goddamn hungry, and thirsty too! I just want to get out of here, PLEASE HELP!" She cries before the video cuts out.

"I'm trying Shannon, I really am." I whisper wiping the tears from under my eyes. She's being beat, all because of me.

"I'm getting you out of there, I'm going to do it no matter what!" I whisper slamming my iPad back down on the worktop.

This man, woman, person whoever the fuck it is, is really asking for it now! I swear if I ever get my hands on him, he's a goner. And I won't do it quick and painless, no it'll be so slow and painful. He's going to cry out his apology and wish he was never born. What kind of man beats a woman? You'd have to be so sick minded to actually do that!

I just go on a rampage, I smash everything I can get a hold of off the wall.

"I'M GOING TO FIND YOU!" I scream, I know he can hear me. He's probably outside looking in at me right now, laughing at how pathetic I am.

Whoever this is, has been planning this very well, but I'm going to get him and that's a fact...

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