Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I wake up from light shining through the crack in my curtains. I rub the sleep out of my eyes before looking at my phone to check the time.

"Whoa, 10 already?" I whisper to myself. I actually slept until 10? I had a dreamless sleep, or rather a nightmareless sleep, if that's even a word. Usually I'd wake up screaming in between 7 or 8. Yay I'm recovering!

My feet pad along the cold timber stairs as I walk down to my kitchen for some breakfast. I crave pancakes right now so I think I'll make some.

"Look who's had a good sleep." Luke startles me as I finally reach the kitchen. Hes sitting at the table eating cereal and flipping through the newspaper. I forgot he was even here. He must be relieved that I didn't have a nightmare, this is the first time since Conor died.

"I had an amazing sleep!" I exclaim getting out the mixing bowl and ingredients for my pancakes. "Do you want some pancakes? Since you made sure I was safe last night."

"No I'm fine, I have my cereal."

"If you say sooo." I whistle as the batter cooks in the pan. Then it dawns on me, my mom is going to be here in less than two hours! OK so good sleep, feeling amazing and my mom all in one day? Best feeling ever!

"My mommys coming!" I shout doing a little happy dance. Luke laughs, putting down the paper and joining me.

"Hey gu- What are you two doing?" Shannon asks confused. Amy's behind her giggling like a twelve year old girl. Her laugh can get annoying... I mean I love her but sometimes you'd just want to throw a brick at her when she laughs.

"Happy dancing! My moms coming, we shall do the happy dance." I run over and grab their hands while playing Thrift Shop on my phone. We start dancing, well we try to dance.

"You guys want some pancakes?" I sing-song. I'm in such a good mood today, nothing could bring me down.

"Yeah sure." Amy replies sitting opposite Luke at the table.

"What about you Shannon?"

"Yes pleeease." She drags out the please. Shannon sits beside Amy at the table and I get the pancakes on a tray and bring them over to the table sitting beside Luke.

Amy and Shannon attack them. And I'm like hey I would like some too? Well I don't say that out loud, but I think it...

"Shauna these are amazing." Amy says shocked.

"Why are you so shocked?" I ask pouting. I don't exactly like cooking, its not my strong point, but I make good pancakes. Amy just smiles and shakes her head.

"Amy don't talk while your mouths full of food." Luke scolds. I find it hilarious when they act like an old married couple. Luke's so responsible and he makes sure Amy stays mature.

"I'm sorry." Amy says. Then she opens her mouth to show off the lovely stuff that used to be a pancake and starts laughing like there's no tomorrow.

"Ewh Amy that's sick!" Shannon shouts disgusted. I thought Shannon would've been used to Amy by now. Guess not.

I high-five Amy to piss Luke off further because it is fairly funny.

It was almost 12, I was overly excited. Mom and I were always very close. But when my dad and sister died in a two car crash we became even more close because we were all the other one had left. I was eleven when my dad and five year old sister died. It broke my heart that day...


"Shauna, me and Robyn are going to the store to get ice cream, do you wanna come?" My dad asks shouting up the stairs to me in my room.

"No thanks dad, I'm doing my homework, but pleeease get me some caramel ice cream."

"Sure thing." And with that dad and Robyn were out the door. It's soo hot outside! It must be like forty degrees, and I'm just up in my room cooking. Its like being in an oven.

"Next is.. Math, ewh." I say to myself taking my math book out of my bag. I hate math! It's like horrible and doesn't even make sense. Like when are we ever going to use Algebra in a real life situation? You're hardly going to be like 'oh I have x but I want y, how will I do this?' Cop on who ever invented math.

It had been thirty-five minutes since dad and Robyn left for the store. The store was only about five minutes down the road, what's taking them so long?

"Shauna can you come down here?" My mom shouts up the stairs.

"Coming!" I shouts back. Yes, an excuse to get out of doing my math for like ten minutes. Anythings better than doing that crap!

I reach the sitting room, where mom is, and find her on the couch crying. The worst thing you can ever see is your mom cry. I mean seriously it breaks your heart.

"Mom?" She never cries, this must be bad...

"Shauna honey... I just got a call from an ambulance.. Your dad and little sister were in a crash and they didn't make it." Her voice shook at the end of the sentence.

"Oh god, mom.." I ran over to the couch and sat on her lap while we shared a big long hug. I'm never going to see my sister or daddy again....


"Shauna you look like you've seen a ghost." Amy says looking at me curiously.

"I just had like a little flashback to the day dad and Robyn die... Its no big deal." It was at the time but that was ten years ago.

We were on the way to the airport to greet my mom and bring her back to my place. One Direction was playing on the radio and we were singing our hearts out.

Finally reaching the airport, I jump out and race inside waiting for mom. I see her waiting in a little corner. I run and attack her with a hug.

"Mom!" I shout with glee.

"Honey!" She exclaims, hugging me back even tighter. Oh I missed this, my mom gives the best hugs in the whole world!

We catch up on the way back to mine, I tell her news from New York and she tells me news from Boston. Of course I avoid the nightmares and notes at all costs but when she asks me about Conor and Marie's death it's hard to dodge around them, but I try my best and succeed. She gets herself set at home and we continue our catch up session, with Amy, Luke and Shannon added this time, they were quiet the whole way home letting me have mom to myself, and I'm grateful for that.

Oh how I missed my beautiful mom....

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