Chapter 6: Mrs Mthimkhulu.

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Iyana's POV

Words cannot describe how I'm feeling right now. Like how could Imenathi disappear on the day of her lobola negotiations. This day is about her and yena she chooses to run away like who does that. Why did she run away? I know I'm demanding answers that I won't get because the person thats supposed to answer is gone.

If I see her I think I might stab her. She is literally embarrassing our whole family right now. My sister has always been the most selfish amongst all of us but this is selfish to the extreme. Right now we waiting for what's going to happen. My aunt is still getting a response from them.

"I'm literally disappointed in your sister." says Nandi. "How do you think I feel as the sister?" I ask. "She is embarrassing us right now. Imagine we were airing this on national tv." "That's when I was going to run and disappear." "Following her footsteps." says Lelethu and we laugh. We do need a bit of sense of humour during a time like this.

"You see the kind of kids you raised." says Phume. Now isn't the time to be rubbing shit on our faces. "Now isn't the time." says mom. "I'm just saying." "You can't be saying such stuff at a time like this." I say. "Don't raise your voice at me wena." I mentally roll my eyes. Let me just shut up before I say things I will regret.

Aunt Kholiwe comes in and sits down next to me. "Bathini?" I ask. (What are they saying?) "The lobola negotiations are going to continue." she answers. "Are they doing a nation wide search for her?" "No they not." "Then why is it continuing?" asks Lelethu. "Because we going the traditional route." What's the traditional route now?

"Meaning?" asks ma. I know what she's about to say now is going to be utter nonsense. "The groom has to marry one of her sisters so we can hide the humiliation Imenathi just caused." she answers. "Which one?" "Iyana.." "Hai hai hai! Niphambene nina. Mna angshadi muntu. Yoh guyzini I have a sneaky link and i cannot get married ngizomutshela ini manje mesesihlukana." I say. (You are crazy. I am not marrying anyone...what will I tell him when we break up.)

"It's not a serious relationship its just a sneaky link." says Aunt Philisiwe. "Still its something and i refuse to get married to a person I don't know." I say. "You do know him..." "Yes I do know him as my brother in law not a boyfriend or whatever nonsense." "It's the only option." "I have a bunch of sisters that are more than welcome to marry him and I'm not one of them."

"Iyana you the oldest amongst all of them and you closer in age so it won't be that bad." says Aunt Betty. "Hai hai hai! Don't piss me off nina I'm not getting married to him. Imenathi is gone so nabo they must leave." I shout. "Iyana yehlisa umoya." says ma. (calm down.) "No ma they literally selling me to a guy I don't know. Why didn't you tell me it's a black market." "It's tradition."

"No! I don't know which part you not getting. Angshadi namuntu. I am single and busy with someone else. I am not about to marry my sister's fiance like what are people going to say about me?" I ask. "It's non of their business." says ma. "I was expecting you ma to be on my side and not supporting this bullshit!" "Iyana!" "I don't care if I'm swearing. I am not marrying him and get that through your big heads."

"Shut up Iyana! It's tradition." says mom. "No the only thing I know is that when the wife dies and all that shit but not this. Mabahamba nenkomo zabo." I say. (Let them leave with their cows.) "We have to do this and it's been practised for centuries." "This is the 21st century and i refuse to get married to a stranger."

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