Chapter 74: Oh baby.

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Iyana's POV

I remove his arm around my waist and luckily he let's go of me easily. I walk to the bathroom and relieve myself. I flush the toilet and wash my hands. I walk back to the bedroom and wear my slippers and go downstairs. This whole Zikalala attack has me stressed and whenever I'm stressed I eat like no ones business. I hope everything goes according to their plan.

I'm still shocked at what he told me earlier on. I imagined a lot of scenarios but this one was definitely not on my mind. Why do people pretend to be in love with a person just so they can gain information. Aren't there other ways to access that information without trying to hurt another individual or is this the best and safest option.

I'm glad he managed to move on and let his family be there for him. Maybe we wouldn't be where we are right now if he stuck to his old ways, he would have had major trust issues and all of that. Let me not think about such and focus on feeding myself because I'm really hungry now. I get to the kitchen and i open the fridge to look for something to eat.

I thought his parent's house looked beautiful but this house takes the cup. I wonder which interior designer designed this place cause they did an amazing job at it. I find ham slices and cheese and i take those out and make a sandwich. Livhuwani walks or more like wobbles and sits on the bar stool. "Can you make some for me too." she says and i nod.

"Unjani?" I ask. (How are you?) "I'm tired. I've been experiencing these back pains through out the night so I haven't rested much." she answers. "Have you tried sleeping manje?" "I tried but the pains still continue and they moving to my stomach." "Isn't it labour?" "I can't go into labour now not when things are this chaotic in my life."

"Well the baby feels like the lease is coming to an end so we should let them out." I say and she chuckles. "They must stay another week and wait until everything is over. I really want my family to be there when I go into labour." she says. "Kuncono ubafonele manje before it goes down." (Its best if you call them now.) "Yeah." I plate up her sandwich and give it to her and she thanks me.

"How can you master such a simple thing like a ham and cheese." she says and i chuckle. "Let's thank the shops for making the best ham and cheese." I say and we laugh. "Yeah this ham is really good. Whatever they added here makes everything better." "I know." I pour the both of us a glass of juice and she thanks me.

I sit on the bar stool next to her and start eating my sandwich. "Ouch." "Yindaba?" I ask and i stand up and rush to her side. (What's wrong?) "The pain is intensifying." "Should we move to the couch where it's more comfortable?" She nods and i help her stand up and we walk to the living room. She sits down and i place pillows around her so she can be more comfortable.

"Let me go call ma and Muzi." I say and she shakes her head no. "I'll be okay." she says. "Livhuwani I won't let you gamble with your life I'm going to call them. I have no clue or experience about pregnancy and ma does so she can help." "Okay call ma and Muzi then." I go upstairs to their bedrooms and i tell them Livhuwani needs our help.

We get downstairs and i find her pacing around the living room. "Should I fetch the hospital bags?" asks Muzi. "Muzi that is a rhetorical question." says ma. "What does that mean?" I giggle. "Muziomhle uphambene it means fetch the damn hospital bags." (are you crazy.) "Okay ma." He runs upstairs and ma walks towards Livuhwani's side and helps her.

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