Chapter 33: Thank the cockblocker.

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Iyana's POV

I start emptying up the plates by throwing the remaining contents in the bin. I pass the dishes to Andiswa and she gives it to Livhuwani. We continue with the same process in silence until all the dishes are washed and packed away neatly in the cupboard. At least it was peaceful and there was no drama.

"Let's go to the reading nook." says ma and we nod and she leads the way. The other two leave me and Andiswa behind and i can see her struggling a bit to push the wheelchair. I contemplate my next move of whether I should help her or leave her here alone. I wouldn't be okay with myself if I left her but I'm not in the mood to fight today. I came in peace and i shall leave in peace.

"Ngingakuncedisa?" I ask. (Can i help you.) The good person in me decided to speak up. I wish everyone was here to see me being a good person. There is silence for a few moments until I hear her whisper please. I know it took a lot from her to say that without wishing to throw me across this counter and i commend that.

I adjust the wheelchair for her and it moves. "Thanks." she mumbles. We start walking to the reading nook and sit where the others are sitting. "What took you guys so long?" asks Livhuwani. "I needed help with something quick and since you guys left she was here." answers Andiswa.

"I brought you guys here so I can ask you personally if you okay and all is going well in your marriages. Your husbands might be lying saying things are going good kanti no indlu iyawa." says mom and we chuckle. (the house is falling apart.) She is such a sweet person and i love the fact that she treats her daughters-in-law well. Just imagine we had a mother-in-law from hell. Trust me I would have fought her already.

"Hai ma konke kuhamba kahle. I'm just sick and tired of this pregnancy. Magazines and TV made it look like it was enjoyable kanti no it's the opposite. The mood swings, the cravings and the back pains are just horrible..don't get me started on the morning sickness. I wonder why we were made to carry the children. I sometimes wish we were seahorses." says Livhuwani and we chuckle. (All is going well.)

"You must enjoy the pregnancy because once the baby is here you will lose some sleep." says ma. "I would rather lose sleep than suffer from preeclampsia and being in and out of the doctors every now and then." says Livhuwani. "I can't say sorry because it's not going to change anything. But don't worry just take it easy and abuse Muzi as much as possible so he can remember to never make you pregnant again." We laugh. "I am so taking your advice thank you ma."

"Wena Mpumelelo unjani?" asks ma. (How are you?) "We good. I guess we still trying to find our feet with this whole adoption thing. It was an abrupt desicion that we made but I feel like it will be one of the best things we've ever done in our marriage. So yeah we navigating and I'm just happy that our baby is coming home soon. I just want to kiss her and let her lay on my chest." answers Mpumelelo and there is a few ncoohs.

"Don't worry you will hold her. Once you hold her in your arms you will experience a love you've never experienced before. When you think you know what love is, a child will prove you wrong. You will always feel the need to protect her from all the dangers and sometimes you may be too overprotective but we all know that it is for a good cause. I'm so happy for you and Mpendulo, you finally having a family you've been wanting for the past centuries." says mom.

"Ngiyabonga ma those words mean a lot. I'll always be a good parent." says Mpumelelo. "But know that in every good parent there are mistakes. Don't critique yourself because of the mistakes instead learn from them and move on. Don't listen to what others say just take the useful advice or the one you feel makes sense. Don't let people tell you how to raise your child. If they do batshele indaba zabo once." says ma and we giggle. (tell them as it is.) "Ngiyabonga."

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