Chapter seven.

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     "Hunith!" Arthur greets the mother of Merlin happily, it had been years he has seen her for the last time. She hadn't looked this skinny back then but what does one expect when their child goes missing when they get banished from a kingdom they had called their home.

     He can see by her eyes that she's mad at him, that she holds him accountable for banishing her child because he's different. And he knows he will never be able to change the fact that he has done so. He had been the one that had made Merlin so vulnerable, who had kicked Merlin out from a home he used to have been save at and what Arthur is trying to create once more for the boy.

     He hates himself for how he had treated Merlin as an enemy while he had been their biggest alley against Morgana. The one that had gone above and beyond to protect Arthur, the kingdom and everything living within the borders. The boy had been so selfless, so pure of heart and what had Arthur done, cast him out like he was some treacherous monster. He regrets his choice so badly.

     He can only hope now that he can show Merlin that magic is legal now, that he can freely be who he wants. That he no longer has to hide and fear to be burned on a pyre. It's not what Arthur wants for Merlin to happen. He will do anything to stop Merlin from becoming mentally unhinged by what he had gone through.

     It isn't before Hunith can greet him back that a young man interrupts them. "My lord," the young man says, bowing to Arthur. It's obvious by a couple of things that he resembles Merlin in some way only a lot older. "My name is Lord Samual Dackinson. Older half brother of Merlin." The man introduces himself with a deep bow, unlike Merlin's bow of mockery when he would bow so deep, this is nothing but sucking up to him. Is this man really trying to be a suck up? A boot kisser?

For a moment Arthur wonders why his last name sounds so familiar to him, why is it that Dackinson sounds so familiar to him? Was he a lord that had problems with his plot of land? He shakes his head as he takes in the light brown mop of short hair, a pair of brown eyes but the shape the same as Merlin's. Unlike Merlin he has a bulky frame and a mead belly to go with it. This man was what? A couple of years older then them, but looked like he was his father's age. Doing nothing to keep himself in shape.

Something in his eyes doesn't feel right with him, this gleam of what? Makes him feel uneasy, something about his smile looks exactly like Merlin's only instead of making it look him as cute as the warlock, it makes Arthur feel suspicious about him. Like something isn't adding up here. That he looks too shady in his eyes and the way he had to bow so dramatic. But Arthur pushes it aside for both Merlin's and Hunith's sake.

Arthur gives Hunith a smile, motioning her into his arms. "I'm sorry, Hunith. We're trying our best to help him, but it's hard with the way they crippled him and destroyed his voice box. He's severely underweight and barely can keep his food down." Arthur explains to the poor mother of Merlin.

Arthur let's her go a moment later, keeping her at arms length to look the teary eyed mother in the eyes. His heart breaks for her as no mother would want to see their child go missing and then get a letter delivered to her with the news that they found her but he's severely damaged, abused and kept alive on the brink of starvation. A mother's worst nightmare had become Hunith's reality.

     "How about you guys get settled in and i will have someone take you on a tour around the castle and citadel." Arthur tries to distract the two from Merlin for a moment. "I know Merlin won't wake up today anymore, but i will have a guard fetch you two to see him tomorrow. Deal?" Arthur asks trying to compromise.

Hunith and lord Dackinson nod their heads before Arthur mentions for Lancelot to come over to him and have him show the two to their quarters. Which they silently follow with two guards dragging their stuff behind, the lord having more then the mother.

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