Chapter twelve.

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     Arthur had kept Merlin in his bedchambers for the next week. Mostly since the warlock himself hadn't dared to leave the room after he had learned that his brother had been under the same roof as him for a while. He did nothing but either sleep in the bed or read most of the day.

As he had walked into the room, finding the warlock with a hovering book by his side and a pot of steaming tea by his other. He was slowly getting better with the day, mostly with the news that he had sent the knights after his brother to arrest the man for crimes against the crown.

     Even though Merlin was getting better and Gaius was very positive about his recovery, that most things would go back to they used to be. It was a huge surprise that merlin was was able to feel anything below his waist, sitting up had been easier as of lately and walking lessons had been once a day to get the movement to his body and the feeling of walking again.

     "Meetings are really boring without you." Arthur says, dropping face first into his bed. He hated meetings, he hated them even more after he had banished Merlin. The one person who made them tolerable was gone, now the man refused to leave the room. Neither was it easy for him to leave.

     "I bet." Merlin says cheeky, not looking up from his book. However, it didn't stop the warlock from running his fingers through his blonde hair. Gently massaging Arthur into peace, it isn't easy being king of a kingdom, while trying to find a man that has committed so much treason against the crown, more then what he had done to Merlin. But also to poor people who didn't survive the torture that Merlin survived.

Arthur let's his fingers roam over Merlin's flat stomach. Something he's taken up as a habit. Loving the feeling of the warm skin underneath his fingers, the shudders Merlin makes to try and keep the giggles in. Loving how ticklish Merlin actually is.

As much as the king wants to cuddle and kiss Merlin's soft skin. He's hungry and had George bring up their dinner. Which wouldn't take all too long, mostly since getting Merlin to walk from the bed to the table could- depending on his energy level- be a very hard task if you ask him. "Come on." Arthur says, getting up from his position.

He takes the floating book from Merlin's magic, setting it down on the bedside table. Rounding the big bed and pulls the covers easily from the boy, Merlin's legs move with difficulty. Assisting him, Arthur gently pulls Merlin's legs from the bed by the knees and hoists the boy up by his hands.

Merlin sacks against him, his legs giving out. He easily holds him up by his waist and lets him lean entirely on him. Setting one step at a time while Merlin whimpers at his own frustration, rather soon after feeling defeated and tired, tears already gathering in his eyes. "Arthur, please." Merlin begs.

Both know why he begs and what he means by it. He doesn't want to walk, he hates his situation all the more as his health gets better. He may still sleep a lot but he isn't sleeping all day anymore an therefore going through books so quickly that the library can't keep up with.

"Just a few more." Arthur promises him, guiding him to take another step. His knees give out, not that it's more then Merlin's knees. Arthur can feel it but doesn't need to readjust him, nor is it too evident that he's falling through his own legs. Arthur has enough strength to keep him from making the smallest of falls.

     Arthur feels sorry for him, allowing him to sit down. Just in time for George to knock on the door, "come in." Arthur calls out, dragging a chair out for himself and sit rather closely to Merlin. George places the two plates on the table and bows before leaving the two alone in the room again.

Merlin's too out of breath to care for the food on the table. He just wants to be back in the bed and sleep, it's been a ling day for him and no sleep had come when he had tried to take a nap. "Come on, Merls, go eat something." Arthur says as he grabs a sausage from Merlin's plate, bringing it to his mouth.

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