Chapter eleven.

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By the time that they had finally made it to the throne room, most of the knights, advisors and court members had made it to the throne room and where sitting on their respectable seats. Chattering among them, some were talking about the latest gossip that they had heard from the chambermaids. Others were talking about training or old archives between the old men.

Most had been confused about why George was setting with another servant another chair down, only this one wasn't at the other side of the table where most new members would be sitting, no, this chair was directly placed next to the king's on the left side, where his future queen was going to sit.

Most had no idea why this was arranged, but some had a feeling that this would be somewhere in the distant future be Merlin's place as not only the court sorcerer but also as consort that they all know he will be one day. But they hadn't expected the chair to be placed there already. Merlin was still too sick to attend any meetings, he couldn't properly talk or stay awake through the duration.

It wasn't until the king came walking into the throne room with Gwaine in tow and carrying a happy merlin into the throne room for the round table meeting, that they understood that Merlin had managed to persuade Arthur to allow him out of his imprisonment in Arthur's bedchambers. How would be a mystery to them all since Merlin couldn't say much yet.

Gwaine with the help of Arthur placed Merlin in his chair and happily sat back slouched since he couldn't sit on his own. There had been a cushion placed for both his butt and his back to make it as comfortable as possible.

As Merlin is seated in his chair and pushed to the table so he can reach for whatever he wants to grab within his reach. Most likely the files that Arthur has and George seems to have dropped off before disappearing again. He tries his best to latch himself onto the stack of files, to educate himself on what goes on in the kingdom that he seems to have missed out on in the last three years.

Gwaine finally gets the chance to sit down in his own chair at the table. As Arthur pulls back his chair to sit down himself. All of the court members stand up to bow to their king before he takes his seat. Merlin still silently flipping through the files, almost too engrossed by the information he's getting on the subject.

Everyone takes their seats back at the table and Lancelot is the first to speak. "So you lost an argument with an one syllabled Merlin?" Lancelot asks with a cheeky smile on his face. Which has most of the knights and court advisors laughing at the idea of the king which such high power to lose an argument with an one syllabled, stubborn, sick man.

Arthur rolls his eyes annoyed at Lancelot and the other council members. He doesn't think it's funny to be on the receiving end of Merlin's adorable puppy eyes and pouty lips. Had they ever tried to resist giving in when they argued with Merlin, because for some reason, the warlock had found out that he achieved more with his pouty lips and puppy eyes then his arguing.

One of the elderly advisor doesn't think this to be any funnier. "You let a servant win an argument? What would that say about your rulership as king? If wo-..." the elderly advisor speaks outraged, but he cuts himself off as soon as an ink covered feather pen flies to his face, just barely hovering before his eyes in a not so threatening way but Arthur understands the meaning behind it.

Arthur chuckles, how could his father have ever ruled out magic from the kingdom. If a single flick of Merlin's wrist and he has everyone silent and trying to hold their laughter at the face of the elderly man. How has Merlin never done this to him before when the warlock was annoyed, he could have easily taken the pen out of his hand.

Arthur is the only one that chuckles. "I think that's Merlin for 'i don't agree with you' or 'shut up'." Arthur says with amusement, meetings with Merlin will never be dull again, not even when he learns to properly speak again. He loved to interrupt everything and make most of these advisors run for their money.

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