Chapter eight.

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     "Merlin?" Arthur asks softly to gain the attention of the delusional warlock, staring up at the top of the bed like he is just imagining being in the bed. Seeming not to notice anything as he looks still as out of it as he has all these days since they brought Merlin back here.

     It doesn't seem that Merlin notices him or his calls of his name. Staring up at the ceiling, his arms slack beside his body as he hasn't moved an inch since he had left his side this morning. It worries him that Merlin doesn't move or show any signs that he is recovering mentally at all. He fears that someone has broken his Merlin beyond repair and now he seems like he can't do anything but blankly stare in front of him.

He sighs softly before walking the small distance to the bed. Sitting at the edge of the bed, running his fingers through the mop of hair, finally gaining Merlin attention. But it looks like nothing more then that he doesn't believe he's here. Arthur can see that Merlin doesn't believe he is here. As if he doesn't believe he's been saved from that dungeon.

Merlin turns his head slightly to him, blinking numbly and staring with a distant look. "Your safe, Merlin," Arthur tries to convince the warlock, his other hand goes to pinch the skin on Merlin's wrist softly to try once again to have him realise that he is really safe. "See? All safely in Camelot." Arthur tries to comfort Merlin in someway.

Arthur looks in those blue eyes, those adorable blue eyes as they start to water and tears begin to spill down his cheeks. Arthur Pulls Merlin up into a seating position, having been told to gently do so to keep the blood flow going. He climbs behind the young warlock and lowers him against his chest. Wrapping his arms around Merlin's chest softly as to not hurt the poor boy.

It breaks his heart that Merlin can't talk, can't do anything to vocalise his relief to anyone. He can't wait until the warlock is better and can stay awake a little longer, Arthur tries to comfort Merlin as best as he can, not wanting to upset him more to the point that he would fear for the rest of his life that he's in danger.

He strokes his hand through the locks of Merlin's hair, knowing that he should be cleaning the warlock soon again. It's been a couple of days now and Gaius had recently taken out the stitches from Merlin back as the physician said that Merlin heals quicker then anyone he knows and therefore can be released from his stitches earlier because his wound is already healed.

A couple of times, Arthur had woken up in the middle of the night, thinking he had heard Merlin's voice or anything. Just a small moan or groan of pain but when he opened his eyes and looked at the warlock cuddled up against him, he didn't see anything that indicated that Merlin could make a sound at all. He's mute for crying out loud.

He knows that Merlin's spine has healed again, he knows that the warlock will never walk but that doesn't mean that he can't celebrate in his head that Merlin's spine wouldn't hurt him anymore. If only everything would get healed, what he wouldn't give at this point for Merlin to get better and have no complications.

     Arthur sighs, stroking his fingers through the mop of greasy hair. "I'm here, from now on til forever." Arthur promises the crying Merlin, wiping the tears from his face. "I'll protect you, I'll care for you." He tells Merlin with remorse and regret. Hating himself for allowing his anger to come to a judgement, why couldn't he just have waited until he calmed down.

     A knock on his door snaps the king out of his thoughts and attention solemnly on Merlin. "Come in." Arthur announces before the door opens and George peaks his head into the room, looking curiously at the king and the ex-manservant.

     "Should i fetch a tub and some hot water, Sire?" George asks, taking notice of the boy's greasy hair and sweaty forehead. Understanding that the warlock could use a good warm bath to clean up. Looking still teary and confused but also seems to recognise the servant in the doorway.

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