Chapter 2: Pretty Boy

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Tom's POV

     I looked in the mirror, and I don't know what I expected but it certainly wasn't... this. I was back to my Twenty-year-old self somehow. I still had crucio red eyes, but I also had my wavy dark brown hair, high cheekbones, plump pink lips, I was about 6 feet... and I had nose!! I don't remember much from when I was that ghastly snake of a man, but I do remember not having a nose and it was awful.

     I turned around and walked out the door just to run into someone, forgetting I was here with Harry I let out a very manly shriek and he let out a loud laugh as I glared at him... I must have been up here for a while if he's up now. He led me back to the kitchen, when we walked in, he had a pot of heated beans on the stove and a cup of water... Wow, I really was up there for a long time.

     I was dragged out of my thoughts as Harry started talking. "So, I reheated some beans I made when I first brought you here, eat up and then we will talk about what happened and what to do next." He said, although he sounds kind of out of it. However, I chose to think about that later, I grabbed the pot and water and headed to the family room and started to eat.

     I was about to take another bite when I felt Harry staring at me, when I looked up he was leaning against the doorframe, arms folded just watching. I did NOT blush, but I quickly looked away, finished my food, and drank my water. When I was done Harry came and grabbed the things from me, our hands slightly brushing together, and I willed myself not to blush again. "I'll wash these up really quick and then we'll talk." Harry said.


Harry's POV

     I slowly woke up, looking out the window I could just see the beginnings of the sun over the houses, I went to stand up and realized I wasn't me anymore, but a... wolf? What is happening? Then I looked over and noticed Tom was gone, I started looking around the house, feeling something pulling me upstairs I followed, and there he was looking in the mirror. He didn't notice me, thankfully, so I went downstairs and focused all my magic on shifting back to myself. It wasn't too hard seeing as I read something about this before, I believe it's my creature inheritance.

     Once I was back and dressed, having found my clothes on the floor, I cast a quick tempus spell; it was only 7 in the morning. I grabbed the beans and started reheating them. Once that was done, I dumped the water and got some fresh. I headed back upstairs, I was almost to the bathroom when I bumped into Tom, he let out a shriek and I begin laughing while he glared at me. Once I had calmed down, I told Tom "So, I reheated some beans I made when I first brought you here, eat up and then we will talk about what happened and what to do next." He grabbed the pot and cup and headed to the family room.

     I hadn't gotten a good look at him when I first found him, so while Tom was eating, I leaned against the door frame and studied him. He had wavy brown hair, light skin, crucio red eyes, a very sharp jaw line, and plump pink lips, not that I was staring at his mouth or anything. Tom froze mid bite, and like he could feel me staring turned and looked at me, he was quick to turn around, but I saw a hint of blush just before he did. He finished up quickly after that, so I walked over to grab the pot and cup, I ever so slight brushed my hand against his and the tips of his ears turned red, I smirked. "I'll wash these up really quick and then we'll talk." I told him, walking away. I heard him mumble something to himself that sounded an awful lot like stupid just before I walked in the kitchen.

Tom's POV

     "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" Why am I blushing over some little brat? He's two years younger than me for Merlin's sake, not to mention I've been trying to kill him for almost 18 years. I can't help but think about the way he was looking at me though, the look in his eyes, what was that? "NO!" I yelled without thinking.

     Harry came running into the room, wand out, ready to fight. "WHAT HAPPENED?" He yelled, frantically looking around the room. Seeing nothing or no one he turned towards me with a questioning look on his face. "Nothing happened, just some unwanted thoughts." I told him sheepishly. "Sorry." He put his wand away and sat next to me, relaxing on the couch, all the while I wondered why he seemed so comfortable around me. I found it very odd as just two days ago I was trying to kill him.

     So, I looked at him and said "Potter, why do seem so unbothered while sitting next to the man that had tried to kill you? Multiple times." He shrugged and opened his mouth to say something, but before he could there was a sharp tap against the window, he pulled out his wand looking frightened and wordlessly casted a spell at it. The window shattered and an owl flew in dropping a letter on the floor before swooping back out. Harry let out a shuttering breath and looked at the letter, when his eyes widened, I too looked at the letter, it was from Gringotts, addressed to Harry.

     He snatched it up and ripped it open, he skimmed over the words and shook his head in what seemed to be disbelief, so I asked, "What does it say, Potter?" and he began reading it out loud.


     A/N: Annnd Chapter 2 is complete, ending with yet another cliffhanger! Luckily y'all won't have to wait for the next part. Honestly, I'm a bit shocked with myself at how this is coming out so far. Please vote and let me know what you guys think. 

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