Chapter 6: Plans

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Tom's POV

     Hades and I apparated to Riddle Manor to find everything perfectly in place and clean thanks to the house elves. I guided him to the opposite side of the manor, all the way upstairs, where we found only one very large bedroom, it was decorated in true Slytherin fashion, emerald green, with black and silver details. I turned to Hades and saw a look of absolute awe on his face, he looked adorable.

     “Well, what do you think? Big enough for both of us, or shall I find somewhere else?” I asked him with a smirk on my face. He turned to me with narrow eyes, “You better be joking.” He said, “Absolutely darling, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else without you.” I responded, and he blushed. I’m so glad I get to make him do that now. I was so lost in thought I nearly had a heart attack when Hades squealed in delight. I turned to find out why and found he had jumped on to the bed and was bouncing like a child. ‘Adorable’ I thought with a soft smile on my face, I’d give up everything just to hear him laugh like that forever.

Hadrian’s POV

     Once we arrived at the manor Tom led me through to the other side and upstairs, this floor only had one bedroom, ours. It was a gorgeous room, mainly emerald green with hints of black and silver, I always loved Slytherins colors. I was just admiring the room until Tom dragged me out of my thoughts, “Well, what do you think? Big enough for the both of us, or shall I find somewhere else?” I turned to him, eyes narrowed and said, “You better be joking.” To which he responded, “Absolutely darling, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else without you.” Making me blush, urgh I am a mess today. Tom was staring off with a small smile on his face, so I did what anyone else would do… ran and jumped on the bed, squealing like a child.

     I was so distracted jumping I didn’t notice Tom sneaking up on me, so when he grabbed me by the waist, I grabbed my wand and shot the Immobulus spell. Seconds later I realized what I had done and undid it, only to curl in on myself and burst into tears, “I’m sorry… I’m so sorry Tom… I forgot you… were in here… and you just snuck up on me… I didn’t realize, I’m so sorry!” I managed to get in between sobs.

Tom’s POV

     I snuck up on Hades and grabbed him by the waist, only to be hit with an Immobulus spell, not for very long though, seconds later he undid and started sobbing curling in on himself, “I’m sorry… I’m so sorry Tom… I forgot you… were in here… and you just snuck up on me… I didn’t realize, I’m so sorry!” He said between sobs, and I felt terrible. I hadn’t expected him to react like this, which was stupid of me, I know, but we were having such a good time I forgot we just fought a war three days ago… against each other no less. I sat down and wrapped my arms around him pressing a kiss to his head, “Hades, can I see your face darling?” he slowly lifted his head, and what I saw broke my heart.

     I gently grabbed his face, wiping his tears I said, “It’s alright darling, it slipped my mind that we both went through a war only a few days ago, your side worse than mine.” I wiped some more tears, pressed a light kiss on his nose and continued, “We were having such a good time, I thought it would be funny, I didn’t stop and think about it and that was stupid of me. I’m sorry.” He only shook his head and looked away.

Hadrian’s POV

     “…I’m sorry.” Tom said, I could only shake my head and look away. “Hadrian, please look me, tell me how I can make it up to you.” When I didn’t say anything, he went on, “Hades, I know it’s only been a couple of days, but being with you just feels so right. I feel complete with you, and I don’t want to lose that.” At this I finally looked at him, “I don’t want to lose it either Tom, I’m just so sorry I did that. But I’m also glad it wasn’t worse.” One last tear slid down my face, and he wiped it away. And then... maybe it’s because we were sitting so close... but suddenly my heart was racing.

     Tom and I made eye contact, red met green, I licked my lips and watched as his eyes followed the movement before looking back up, and they darkened… with lust maybe? I didn’t know, but it damn sure got hotter in the room. In seconds Toms mouth was on mine, lips as soft as silk. I moved my arms around his neck, hands in his soft wavy hair, he took this chance to lay me down, hovering over me hands on my hips.

Tom’s POV

     Hades was tugging on my hair, and I was trying hard to hold back a groan. I laid him down, my hands going to his hips, ever so slightly under his shirt, I started rubbing circles with my thumbs. Hades let out a gasp and I took the opportunity to slip my tongue in his mouth. I couldn’t hold back my groan this time, he tasted so sweet, like butterbeer, I ran my tongue along his and he let out the sweetest of moans. Startled he pulled back, so I started running kisses down his jaw, towards his neck, licking, sucking, and biting, getting more of those delicious sounds out of him.

     “Tom…Tom, wait… slow down.” I heard him say, so I came up, and with one final kiss to his lips I pulled away, “What’s wrong?” I asked, he was panting slightly, but in between breaths he responded, “Too fast… we only just found out we were mates… and I’ve never done that with anyone.” I smiled understanding. "It's alright darling, we'll go at whatever pace you want." I told him, "Thank you." He responded.

     I pulled him to my chest, pressed a kiss to his head and asked, "Why don't we talk about how we are going to deal with Dumblewhore?" He looked up at me and said, "Oh I already have a plan for that old fool." With a mischievous smirk on his face, Merlin he drives me crazy.

Hadrian's POV

     I cast a quick tempus spell; it was already 10 at night. Seeing the time, I yawned and snuggled up to Tom saying, "It's late, we should get some sleep and talk in the morning." Tom responded, "Alright darling, goodnight." And as I closed my eyes I felt a light kiss on my head, smiling in content I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

     A/N: If you've read this far I want to thank you, I hope you like it so far. I really wasn't expecting to write any sexual scenes, maybe just a few pecks here and there, but I was going with the flow and that's where it led me. I would appreciate some feedback. As always, don't forget to vote, comment, and share.

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