Chapter 4: Panic

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Tom's POV

     Harry passed out. HARRY PASSED OUT! What happened? I'm freaking out right now, and it's making me freakout more, because why am I even freaking out over a boy I've been trying to kill?

     I look at Griphook and he seems to not care at all, he then looks at me, and my panic must have shown because he starts speaking, "Mr...?" "Marvolo. Call me Marvolo, please." "Very well, Mr. Marvolo, Mr. Potter will be alright. He will be up in approximately five minutes..." ah, so I was panicking for two then. "...once he awakes bring him to my office, just 2 lefts and a right, 3 doors down, I shall see you then." With that he left. I walked over to Harry and sat down next to him, pulling his head into my lap. I don't know why but it just felt right, running my fingers through his long raven black hair, and it was so soft.

     I looked down to see bright Avada Kedavra green eyes staring at me, with a soft smile. I startle at seeing them, I must have been in my thoughts for a good bit then, because he was wide awake now. I feel myself blush but smile a bit, "Sorry, I don't know what came over me, it just felt right." I quickly stand up, helping Harry up as well. "It's alright Tom, it felt nice." He said, looking me right in my eyes, green meeting red, sending a shiver down my spine. "Right, Griphook gave me the directions back to his office. Shall we?" I said, holding the door open for him. He walked past me giving me a look I couldn't decipher.

     "Thank you, pretty boy." He said, and I willed myself not to blush, yet again. Harry was walking a little unsteadily, so I placed my hand on his lower back, guiding him to the office. I couldn't help but smirk at the gasp and shiver that came from him. Somehow, I just noticed the height difference, not too drastic, he was roughly 5 feet 7 inches, and it was kind of cute. Once we reached Griphooks office I sat down, and I don't know what came over me, but I pulled Harry down on my lap. Harry looked at me with a bright blush on his face, "SORRY! I'm sorry!" I said, releasing him from my grip. Though he didn't move, in fact he got comfortable while handing me the parchment with... his creature inheritance?

     I looked over this one while he looked over his birth certificate. After roughly fifteen minutes, I had read the parchment a total of 5 times, in shock. I looked at Harry while I was coming out of my shock, only to see he had tears streaming down his face. I turned his head toward me to ask, "What's wrong, Harry?" He just handed me the paper and buried his face in my shoulder, his tears soaking though my robe, but I couldn't bring myself to care about that right now. The more I read the angrier I got, especially at Dumblewhore. I had just found out Harry and I were mates, then I began reading this, and his name isn't even Harry James potter.

Birth Certificate:

Blood Adopted Mother- Lily Potter (deceased)

Blood Adopted Father- James Potter (deceased)

Blood Adopted Name- Harry James Potter

Birth Mother- Remus Lupin-Black

Birth Father- Sirius Black-Lupin

Birth Name- Hadrian Salazar Black-Lupin

God Parents- Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Severus Snape, Bellatrix Lestrange

God Siblings- Draco Malfoy

Lord and Heirships:

Lordships- Potter, Black, Gaunt, Emrys

Heirships- Potter, Black, Gaunt, Emrys, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Peverell


Godric's Hallow, Potter Manor, Ravenclaw Castle, Hufflepuff Mansion, Hogwarts


Potter Vault- Withdrawals once a month to APWBD, Weasleys, and Hermione Granger

Gryffindor Vaults- Multiple

Ravenclaw Vaults- Multiple

Hufflepuff Vaults- Multiple

Peverell Vaults- Multiple- Withdrawals once a month to APWBD, Weasleys, and Hermione Granger

Gaunt Vaults- Multiple

Emrys Vaults- Multiple

     By the time I had got done reading the parchment, Harry, or should I say Hadrian, had stopped crying and was now just sniffling. I brought his face out from my shoulder, holding it my hands so he would look at me, I said, "I promise if it's the last thing I do, Dumbledore will die, do you understand me?" He shook his head yes, taking a deep breath and giving me a small smile. I wiped his tears and kissed his nose before letting go to wrap my arms around his waist. I then remembered where we were and looked up, only to make eye contact with Griphook, I could feel my face heating up, I was sure it was a deep red.

Harry's POV

     I passed the parchment with my creature inheritance to Tom; the poor guy was going to have a heart attack if he didn't find out we were mates. He blushed so violently after he pulled me to his lap, I almost burst out laughing in his face. Once I had given that to him, I started reading my birth certificate, there were a few pages so I'm guessing it's not just that.

     By the time I had gotten through all three papers I was sobbing, Tom had finally gotten over his shock that we were mates and turned me to him. I couldn't get any words out, so I just passed the parchment to him and buried my head in his shoulder. It only took Tom five minutes to get though the papers and shock, at which point he took my face in his hands and said, "I promise if it's the last thing I do, Dumbledore will die, do you understand me?" I shook my head yes, took a deep breath and gave him a small smile. He then wiped my tears away and kissed my nose before letting go to wrap his arms around my waist.

     Only then did he seem to remember where we were, when he looked up and saw Griphook he turned such a deep shade of red I was afraid he may explode. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around him, burying my face in his neck yet again, turning my head to press a small kiss to the exposed skin. I smiled against his shoulder when I felt a shiver.

     A/N: Chapter 4 is a wrap, and so is our time at Gringotts. Thank you to whomever is reading this. Don't forget to vote, comment, and share. Also, yes Dumblewhore is also alive in this, but only for the plot of the story.

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