Chapter 5: Finding Home

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Hadrian's POV

     With the Dursleys gone I could only hope that Dumbledore hadn't kept the wards on Number 4 Privet Drive. We finished up at Gringotts and headed out of the bank, once outside we decided to go get some real food, as we hadn't eaten anything but beans. We walked over to the Leaky Cauldron and got an entire table worth of food, after being on the run so long with not much food, I was starving.

     We sat down and started digging in. When Tom looked up at me, he finished chewing and said, "Hadrian, I want you to know how truly sorry I am for what I've done to you. I don't know what came over me, or how I'll repay it, but I am so sorry. I hope you can forgive me someday." I just stared at him, not sure what to say. After a few minutes I decided, "Tom, I'm not sure why, but I forgave you the moment I found you on the forest floor. Something just came over me. Maybe it has to do with the fact that you're my mate, but I can assure you, what happened wasn't your fault..." he looked like he was about to protest, so I continued on, "...look at it this way, you hadn't meant to create the first horcrux, Myrtle was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and it only spiraled from there. I don't blame any of this on you, do you understand?"

     Tom just stared at me, opening, and closing his mouth a few times before he finally nodded and said, "Yes, I understand, Hades." I continued with one last thing, "Besides, if not for all the compulsions and potions Dumblewhore used on me, I would've already been on your side. I was technically going to be in Slytherin, but I convinced the hat last second to be in Gryffindor. What a mistake that was." I shook my head and continued eating, Tom just stared at me in disbelief for a minute before continuing as well.

     Once we were done with our food, I cast a tempus spell; it was now 6 in the afternoon, time sure does fly when you're busy. Tom and I went down a dark alleyway before apparating back to the Dursleys, luckily nobody was there, we walked into the family room, and I transfigured the couch to a bed. Tom stared at me as I flopped own on it and snuggled into the blankets, then he asked, "What are you doing?" I looked at him like he was stupid and said, "I haven't had a proper bed ever, and now that I'm not on the run anymore and no adults to tell me what to do, I can fully relax, at least for tonight."

     "Where am I supposed to sleep then? As you may have noticed, I don't have a wand anymore." I just stared at him, waiting for him to figure it out, after five minutes and he didn't, I said, "There's enough room for two right here, possibly even three, come one." Finally, he slowly climbed into the bed, once we were fully under the covers, I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his chest getting comfortable. He hesitantly put his arms around me, and with that I slowly drifted off, with not a single dream, good nor bad.

Tom's POV

     Hades was lying on my chest, fast asleep with what seemed to be a content smile on his face. With him in my arms I was able to fall into a peaceful sleep, also a content smile on my face.

         Time skip to morning...

     I woke to the sound of knocking; I look down to see Hades still sound asleep, gently I shake him, trying to wake him. He shot up looking around, once he calmed, he realized someone was knocking. He slowly got up, putting a finger to his lips in a quiet motion. He pulled his wand out and slowly walked to the door with me following behind him. He carefully looked to see who it was, when he did, he silently cursed and backed away. He then looked and me and mouthed... Ron and Hermione? I believe they're his friends.

     He cast a wordless spell on the both of us, I can only assume it's to hide us. He grabbed my hand and quietly led me out the back and we kept going until we reached an alley. Once there we apparated to Knockturn alley and he undid the spell. I looked at him for an answer as to what it was, "Disillusionment charm." He spoke. I was in awe that he could do it wordlessly.

     We looked around making sure no one was near, and when we were sure we were alone Hades said, "Where should we go? It's got to be somewhere no one knows about." I wracked my brain for a second before finding somewhere, "We could go to Riddle Manor, I'm the only one that knows where it is. I used it for... death eater meetings..." I looked away, but Hades grabbed my face making me look at him, he gave me a soft kiss on the lips and said, "It's ok Tom." I continued with what I was saying, "As I was saying, it was used for meetings, but they never knew where, I would just summon them with the mark. We'll be safe there." Hades looked a bit unsure so I told him, "I can assure you darling, we will be the only ones there." And gave him a light kiss on his forehead, to which he smiled and blushed.

     A/N: As always, thank you for reading. Don't forget to vote, comment, and share. And aren't they just the cutest:D

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