Author's Note

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Hello my lovelies, I want to thank you all for reading my story first and foremost. I will be working on the next two or three parts tomorrow, at the moment I'm not sure where I want this story to go or how long I want it to be, but I still hope to have it done by the end of the year.

Secondly, I just want to set a theory behind why Tom is sane and young again in this story. I've been thinking about it, and I think I want the reasoning to be that when The Golden Trio was destroying the horcrux's, they weren't. Once the item Tom's soul piece was stored in was broken, his soul went back to him. In the final battle between him and Harry, Tom was questioning himself and what he was doing, but before he could change his mind he shot the killing curse at Harry. Although Harry wasn't "destroyed" Tom's soul was still released because he technically died, and everyone believed Tom to be dead because his body had been "destroyed".

I apologize if anyone thought this was the next chapter, I just wanted to put a theory behind how Tom is back. As I said before, I'm hoping to have the next few chapters up by end of day tomorrow. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, love you all<3

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