Chapter 3: Traitors

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Harry's POV

     I looked at Tom, then back to the letter, took a deep breath and began to read. "Dear Mr. Potter, we have been informed that you have come into your creature inheritance. We have also learned of some discrepancies in the Potter vaults. If you could please come to Gringotts as soon as possible to go over this. The letter you are holding is a portkey, arrive when you can and ask for Griphook. We hope to see you soon, Mr. Potter." I looked up just thinking about what he said, I knew I had come into my creature inheritance, but discrepancies in my vaults? What could that mean?

Tom's POV

     I was watching Harry as he read the letter, he went through a rainbow of emotions in the short time it took to read it. Now, he was staring off into space, I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking about. All of sudden he turned to me, I jumped and looked away, cursing the way I could feel my face heating up, again. "Would you like to come with me, Tom?" Harry said, startling me.

     I looked at him confused, "Potter, I can't just walk out in public, everyone believes I'm dead. And I may not look like Voldemort, but someone is bound to recognize me." He looked at me for a second, then said, "Of course you can't go out there looking like the pretty boy you are, that's why I was going to suggest a glamour." Pretty boy? He just called me pretty boy, and I don't even think he realizes he did. Unbelievable!

Harry's POV

     Tom was staring off, with a wide-eyed expression and a slight pink to his cheeks. Of course, I know I called him a pretty boy! I was just stating the obvious, I mean how could you not, just look at him. "So, what do you say, Tom? I would greatly appreciate it." I said, and he snapped his gaze back at me. It took him a second to regain his composure, then he answered, "Sure, sure. Let's do the glamour and we'll head off, yea?" He stood up and I pulled out my wand, pointing it at him. "Just don't make me too ugly, Potter." He said as I cast the spell. "Now why would I do that? I still need something pretty to look at you know." I responded, smirking a bit.

     I grabbed the portkey and his arm whisking him off to Gringotts without giving him a chance to respond. I found myself chuckling at the look on his face though when we landed, it was quite amusing. Tom was glaring at me as I calmed down, before I could say anything he grabbed my arm and dragged me inside, heading for the first free goblin. Once we found one, we walked straight up, handed him the letter, and asked to see Griphook. The goblin quickly read the letter, looked back up and said, "Very well, follow me Mr. Potter."

     After a series of twists and turns through the maze that is Gringotts, we were led to an office, and there sitting at the desk was Griphook. "Greetings Griphook, may your enemies fall at your feet." I said, bowing my head a bit. "Greetings Mr. Potter, may your gold forever flow." He responded, holding a hand out to the seats in front of his desk. Tom and I took our seats, and then we began.

     "Mr. Potter, today we will do an inheritance to find out what kind of creature you are, as well as if you have a mate out there somewhere. Then we will talk about the discrepancies of your vaults, are you sure you wish for your friend here to stay?" Griphook said, narrowing his eyes at Tom, as if he knew who he was. 'Weird' I thought to myself. "It's alright Griphook, I'd trust him with my life, he can stay." I answered, Tom shot me a look of disbelief at what I had said. "If you're sure Mr. Potter." He then passed a sheet of parchment and a dagger; he told me to drop 5 drops of blood on the center.

     After roughly thirty seconds the parchment was done filling itself out, I grabbed it to look at it, my eyes getting wider by the second, I feared they may pop out my head at one point.

Creature Inheritance

Species: Shadow wolf- Submissive

Powers: Shadow Travel – Shadow Magic - Animagus Form – Enhanced Senses

Magic Abilities:

Magical Core- 85% blocked (By APWBD)

Wandless Magic- 75% blocked (By APWBD)

Wordless Magic- 50% blocked (By APWBD)

Parseltongue- 75% blocked (By APWBD)

Parselmagic- 95% blocked (By APWBD)

Obliviates, Compulsions, and Potions:

Obliviated at age four (By APWBD)

Obliviated at age 12 (By APWBD)

Laziness compulsion

Recklessness compulsion

Loyalty potion keyed to- Albus Dumbledore, Weasleys, Hermione Granger, and Light Side

Hate potion keyed to- Slytherin, Severus Snape, Malfoys, Dark Side, and Lord Voldemort


Forced Glamour since age four

Kidnapped at age four

Blood adopted at age four


Thomas Marvolo Riddle

     I looked at Tom for a second before I felt my face heat up and looked away. I asked Griphook, "Who is A.P.W.B.D?" I don't think I've heard of that ever. He looked at me, and warily said, "Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore." I must have sat there in shock for at least five minutes before Tom was waving his hand in my face calling my name. I looked back down at the parchment in anger, I had been kidnapped and blood adopted, but by who? Also, a forced glamour, what do I even look like? I haven't looked in the mirror since I got my inheritance, so I have no idea if my appearance changed.

     I looked back to Griphook, and asked, "Is there a way to find out who my real parents are, also to remove the compulsions and potions?" He pulled out another piece of parchment and told me, "Of course Mr. Potter, just do as last time but nine drops of blood, it shall take a few moments so we can clear of everything while we wait, follow me once you are done." I pricked my finger letting the drops fall, setting the dagger down Tom and I stood up following Griphook out the door. We took quite a few turns before reaching a room with a ritual circle in the center.

     Handing me a vial of liquid, Griphook instructed me, "Stand in the center of the circle, drink the potion, and wait. It may be quite painful, but it will only take 10 minutes, and you will get your memories back from before you were obliviated." I stood in the circle and drank the potion, after about 10 seconds my entire body felt like it was on fire, I dropped to the floor screaming. After a few minutes I blacked out, the last thing I saw being Tom with a concerned look.


     A/N: If you've read this far, thank you so much. Please remember to vote, comment, and share. Harry may be the submissive but isn't Tommy boy just the cutest the way he blushes. #PowerBottomHarry

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