Chapter 7: Snake

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Hadrian's POV

     I woke up dazed for a few minutes, hardly able to keep my eyes open. Once I finally did open them though, I found my self staring into red, I was confused for a second before I realized it was Tom looking at me with a soft smile on his lips. I blushed and mumbled out, "Good morning." Tom's smile widened before he pressed a kiss to my forehead and said, "Good morning darling." I smiled and snuggled into his chest, I thumped him on his arm as I felt him chuckling.

     "What time is it?" I asked, he looked out the window only to shrug and say, "No idea, I've got to get a new wand today." I sighed and cast a tempus spell; my eyes widened as I saw it was almost noon. "Tom! How long have you been awake? It's 11:43." He looked away for a second and mumbled something, "Sorry? I didn't quite catch that." I said, "At least a few hours." He said just a bit louder, I made a noise of disbelief and shook my head, "Why didn't you wake me?" I asked him, a bit angry.

Tom's POV

     "Why didn't you wake me?" Hades asked, sounding a bit angry. I couldn't help the chuckle I let out at his pout, he looked adorable, "You looked so calm, and I'm sure it's the best sleep you've got in ages. I didn't have it in me to wake you." I told him, truthfully. He just huffed and sat up, stretching like a cat, "Alright, we've got to get a move on though, we both need showers and food." He said, heading for the door, halfway there he stopped and looked at me, "Where's the bathroom?" He asked, blushing a bit.

     I stood up walking ahead of him, "Right this way, Master." I said, trying to keep a serious look on my face, but I broke at the choked sound he made and started laughing. He slapped the back of my head and kept walking, once I had calmed down I caught up to him and pulled him through a door on the left. "Here we are, take your time. I showered while you were asleep, it's a miracle I didn't wake you then." He just looked at me, and with a wave of his hand the door was slammed in my face. I chuckled walking back to the bedroom.

     Once there I called a house elf, in seconds I heard a pop and turned around, "Winky, could you please make some lunch." Winkys eyes widened so much I feared they would pop out, "Of course, Master Riddle. Winky will be happy to get Masters some food." And with a pop she was gone. "Strange little thing." I mumbled to myself. Whilst I was waiting I started a mental list of things we would need, most of which we could find in knockturn alley.

     Twenty minutes later Hadrian walked in the bedroom... I had to do a double take, he was in nothing but a towel. The only thing on my mind now was, "Beautiful." as I looked him up and down. I hadn't realized I said it out loud until I heard a gasp and looked up to see a very bright red Hades. I smirked, "Don't be so embarrassed darling, I'm only stating the truth." I said. He was quick to grab some clothes and rush back out, I chuckled and stood up waiting for him. He was back after a few minutes, unfortunately dressed, and hair spelled dry.

     "Sorry, I forgot you might be in here when I got out." He said, looking away, I grabbed his face gently, making him look at me, "It's alright darling, I quite enjoyed the view." I said, giving him a quick kiss. "Now, why don't we head down for lunch, and we'll talk about this plan of yours." And without giving him a chance to respond I grabbed his hand, and led him to the dining room.

Hadrian's POV

     Tom led me to the dining room, and when we got there my jaw dropped, there was enough food on the table to feed a family of fifteen. Tom looked at me and laughed, "I know, Winky always goes all out, even when it was just me." He said, I shook myself out of the shock and walked over to a seat. As I was looking over all the food I gasped and reached for one of the plates, "Treacle tart?! That's my favorite!" I exclaimed. I heard Tom's laugh and blushed looking away, "Don't be shy Hades, help yourself to anything you like. And tell me about your plan."

     I began making myself a plate as I thought about the plan I came up with... It involves a couple of my favorite snakes, but that's all I will say for now.

     A/N: Thank you for reading my lovelies<3 As always don't forget to like, share, and comment. I apologize for such a late update, my laptop has been broken, it should be up and running shortly though.


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