Chapter 9: Running Errands

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Third Person POV

Tom and Harry make it to the wand shop without getting noticed. They can't see anyone around when they walk in though, "Hello?" Tom calls out. "Aiden? Are you here?" Harry looks at Tom as they here a crash from the back of the shop, then a man comes rushing out to them. He's fairly short and heavy set, almost round, with short black hair and a bald spot in the middle of his head.

"T-tom? Ho- how can I help you, My Lor-lord?" Aiden stutters a bit, obviously nervous.

Tom smirks, "Yes, I'm here for a new wand. As you may have heard, my last one was destroyed." He has this air of power around him and Harry finds it almost intoxicating. Tom sees Harry flush and almost smiles, but he catches himself and just wraps an arm around his waist and pulls him closer.

"Follow me, M-my Lord." Aiden finally seems to notice Harry, but wisely doesn't say anything and heads to the back of the shop. He begins pulling out boxes of wood, and jars of... something, Harry's not sure what they are. "You just hover your hand over the wood, and set aside whichever one has the most pull. You'll do the same with the cores, My Lord." Aiden seems to be a bit more confident now that he's doing his job, although a slight tremble can still be heard in his voice. Tom does as he says, he sets aside one wood and two different cores. "Ah, cedar, dragon heartstrings, and phoenix feather. Most suitable for you, My Lord. It shall be ready in 2 hours."

Tom's POV

With my arm still around his waist I guide Harry out the shop, he still seems flushed and keeps shifting around. I look at him confused and slightly worried, "Harry, are you alright?" He jumps a bit and looks at me, he flushes more if that's even possible.

"Ye-yeah, I'm ok. Just feeling a bit hot is all." Harry looks away and I'm more confused than before. I drag him to an empty alley and glance around before pinning him to the wall, "Harry... look at me." I gently demand, but he stubbornly shakes his head and keeps it down. "Please, darling. I just want to know what's wrong." He just blushes more and shakes his head again. Keeping his hands pinned above his head I use my other hand to grab his chin and force his head up, his pupils are dilated and he's biting his bottom lip. I use my thumb to gently pull the lip from his teeth, " If you don't stop that, I won't be in charge of my own actions darling." I whisper in his ear, my lips brushing it slightly. Harry gasps quietly, his blush so deep I'm concerned (but not really).

"You.... really.... in there." He mumbles, I can only make out a few words though.

"Darling, you're going to need to speak up if I'm going to actually hear you." I run my thumb over his lip and press against him slightly, careful to keep our hips apart. I don't want to scare him off.

"I said, you were really fucking hot in there." He says a little louder, I smirk and lean in closer to his ear, "That's what's bothering you? My Harry, there's no need to be embarrassed." Finally understanding what's wrong I press our lower halves together, Harry looks away biting his lip again. I get a firm grip on his and turn his face to me, "Eyes on me, darling." I kiss him roughly, pulling his lip from his teeth with my own. Harry's eyes flutter shut as he moans low in his throat. I release his hands and slide mine down his sides and down to his arse, I pull him closer to me grinding our erections together.

I groan into Harry's mouth and grip his arse, he jumps up wrapping his legs around my waist. I slip my tongue into his mouth and push him against the wall. Keeping one hand under him, I reach down with the other and unbutton his pants...

Harry's POV

I let out a long, low moan as I cum in Tom's hand, I lay my head on his shoulder panting as he rebuttons my pants. I feel a scourgify clean me as Tom sets me down, "Wh-what about you?" I ask, looking at him nervously.

"Oh, don't worry about me darling. I finished just after you." He says with a smirk, "Also, that's going to be there for a bit." He rubs his thumb over a part of my neck and I bring my hand up to it confused. He conjures up a small mirror and I gasp when I see the hickey he left, he just chuckles at me.

I slap his arm, "Tom! We have to talk to my friends tomorrow, what I am suppose to do?" He laughs harder and this time I send a stinging hex at him, "Stop laughing!"

"I'm sorry, love. But did you forget you're a wizard? Just glamour it, or you could just tell them." I whisper a quiet oh and quickly cover it with a glamour. I cast a tempus and see we've spent almost 45 minutes in this alley, I'm honestly surprised no one caught us.

Without saying anything, I grab Tom's hand and head to the Owl Post office to send out the letters. When we get there I write out the letters and send them off, I explained where we were going to meet and when, and under no circumstances should they tell anyone. I look to Tom only to see he's already staring at me, I blush remembering what we did not to long ago. "What?" I cast a tempus and see we've still got 30 minutes to get Tom's wand.

"Nothing, you're just... gorgeous my darling." He smiles at me and grabs my waist leading me out the door, we start walking back to Knockturn to go pick up his wand. We stop at Florean Fortescue's Ice-cream Parlour on the way, Tom got two scoops of old fashion butter pecan and I got two scoops of peanut butter cup. We ate as we walked and finished just before walking in to the wand shop, right on time I notice, as I cast a tempus. Aiden greets us as soon as we're inside and leads us to the back, where Tom chose what his wand would be made of.

"13 1/2 inch, unyielding, cedar wood, dragon heartstrings and phoenix feather wand. The most powerful I've created, My Lord. Cedar shows strength of character and unusual loyalty, dragon heartstrings often produce wands with the most power and tend to learn quicker than most, and phoenix feather is capable of the greatest range of magic." Aiden holds the box out for Tom to take the wand, as soon as he grabs a look of peace washes over is face, only for a moment before he blocks all emotion.

Tom looks at Aiden, "Thank you. Now, if you tell anyone I was here you will be punished." And to show he meant, he shot a cruicio at Aiden for a few seconds. "Ye-yes My Lord." Aiden said, twitching a bit. Tom glared at him and we walked out.

"Ready to head home?" I ask him, he nods and apparates us back to the manor. We head to the smallest of the dining rooms and request what we want for dinner. After eating we head up to the room and get ready for bed, it's already 10, I don't know where the time went but I get into bed with yawn and settle down on Toms chest. "Goodnight love." I whisper and place a soft kiss on his chest.

"Goodnight darling." I feel him place a kiss on my head just before I drift into a dreamless sleep.

AUTHORS NOTE: Sorry not sorry for the robbery but I have no idea how to write smut. Anygays, thank you for reading my lovelies<3

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