𝟬𝟬𝟱 you're on your own, kid

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Chapter FiveYou're On Your Own, Kid

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Chapter Five
You're On Your Own, Kid


Kalani has never felt more stupid than she did in this moment. It's been hours after the police and medics arrived and treated the few wounds the killer gave. She was still covered in blood, Anika's blood and her own. Kalani was at least thankful Ghostface didn't stab her deep enough, but did it really matter if Anika is dead?

          Kalani couldn't wrap her head around why it had to be Anika and not her. She would've much rather been the one to die if it meant Anika lived. Kalani felt like she was on her own now, even when she was surrounded by her friends.

But that's not why she feels stupid, she feels stupid because all signs seem to point to Ethan now as the killer, and Kalani sat in the back of the ambulance, not saying a word for hours because it was all she could think about.

Despite Chad, and Tara, and even Mindy's attempts to try and talk to Kalani, none of them could get a word out of her. She eventually did get out of the ambulance, though, sliding her way in between Tara and Mindy, clinging onto the blanket one of the medics had wrapped around her.

The whole street was wrapped in caution tape and there were loads of detectives and officers in the alleyway, investigating the deaths and the attack. Kalani went to walk over toward the alleyway, her eyes finding the black body bag that covered her sister's body.

"Kalani, hey," Chad followed the girl, "Let's go back to the ambulance." He told the girl, his voice was soft and caring, but Kalani just shook her head.

"I don't want to." She muttered, her eyes glued to the detectives surrounding the black body bag in the alleyway.

Then, Kalani noticed someone approaching them out of the corner of her eye and she glanced over. Ethan had crossed under the caution tape, making his way over to them. Kalani felt her heart drop at the sight of him, he looked around at everything going on, and then his eyes met with Kalani's.

For a split second, it looked like his expression softened when he saw her. "Kalani–"

Chad didn't let him take another step, the boy quickly went up to Ethan and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, pushing him against the back of a news van. "Where were you?!"

          "What? When?" Ethan asked, confused.

          Kalani watched from afar, not being able to look away as Chad pushed Ethan against the back of the van again. "Last night!"

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