Entering Ye Ran High School: First day

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'Thoughts in Japanese'

'Thoughts in English'


It had been a month since you had been transported into the Noblesse world.

 During that month you had been alternating Manabu's and Yu-chan's house. While you were staying at Yu-chan's house his mother immediately went to spend her money on you but you had tried to decline but since you couldn't speak the language you had to accept but you made a mental note of the prizes so you could pay her back, since you couldn't help but feel like you freeloading you off of them so you decided to help with house chores (in both houses)but in both households they tried to stop you from helping but then they agreed  under the condition that you would take it easy because of your injuries.

Manabu's uncle was also a big help as they created your identification and application to enter Manabu's and Yu-chan's prestigious high school: Ye Ran High school. You had yet to receive a letter back but that was fine as you were still learning the language with both Manabu and Yu-chan.


"Okay repeat after me Y/n, Good morning."

"Good morning"

"My name is Y/n

"My name is Y/n, How are you."

"You seem to get the hang of this pretty quickly Y/n I'm impressed."

"Yu-chan's parents helped me with the exercises you gave me." You told them, mainly Manabu because Yu-chan didn't understand half of the words you spoke but nether the less he was excited that soon he will be able to talk to you and have conversation with you and possibly ask you out. You see during this month and the time you had been staying at Yu-chan's house you smiled at him and looked at him with such kind eyes, that he soon got a crush on you. "Now let's try some more difficult words." Manabu stated before you both went back to your "lesson".

~~~~~~~~~FLASHBACK END~~~~~~~~

"Hey  Y/n! You got a letter and a package from our school!" Manabu shouted as he came into your room and handed you the letter and placed down the package. Grabbing the letter from his hands you looked at him nervously before slowly opening the letter itself. There was pregnant silence as Manabu stood there in suspense, waiting for your reaction. Slowly his excitement faded thinking that you didn't get in. "Hey Manabu, guess who going to school with you and Yu-chan everyday?" You looked up at him with a smile on your face. "You mean... You got in?" Manabu asked thinking you were messing with him. "Yep, all I have to do is get my timetable from the principle and I am all set." you told him. "Well we got to tell Yu-chan! I bet the package has your uniform!" Manabu said excitedly grabbing his phone in his pocket and immediately called Yu-chan.


"Hey What's up Manabu? Why are you calling me?" Yu-chan said as in the background  you could hear him playing a video game of sorts. "Guess who's going to join us on our walks to school."  Manabu asked excitedly trying to keep himself from giggling. "Um... I don't know who?" Yu-chan asked clearly not concentrating on the conversation. "Y/n-chan~" The sudden sound of the girls name immediately got the red haired boys attention. "Y/n? She got in?" Yu-chan exclaims in excitement as he jumps up. "Is she going to be in the same class as us? Put her on the phone."  Manabu passes you the phone and you put it against your ears. "Hello, Yu-chan." You spoke with a bit of an accent. On the other side of the phone, Yu-chan blushed at the sound of your voice. "I guess you'll be coming with us now. But don't worry I'll be there to protect you." Yu-chan said with confidence that made a smile go onto your face. "Sure Yu-chan." You told him giving him a small giggle. "Oh. When are you starting?" Manabu asked. "I believe tomorrow. At least that's what the letter says and I already have the package to open." You went up to the box and opened it. Inside was a white blazer with a grey skirt, a dusty blue shirt on top was a black tie neatly folded on the top. You looked at the uniform in excitement. "It looks like it is official. You are going to Ye Ran high school with us. And tomorrow morning we'll be walking together. Now we should go to bed and rest for tomorrow then. Goodnight Y/n-chan~ See you tomorrow." Yu-chan said before hanging up.

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