Episode 3: The Reason To Fight

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Part 1:


It was dark, the building was filled with holes, police tape surrounding the openings of the building. Two police guards stood  at the entrance, keeping a look out so no one would enter the build as it was still under investigation. Two figures approached the building, causing the police to stand in defensively.

Though, you couldn't see their features very well as the moon shone from behind them. Though it was dark you could tell that the culprits were female and male. 

"Hey, you two. This area is off-limi-." The security guard warning was caught short when the short male approached and opened his eyes showing off his glowing red eyes as it disappeared like a small sound wave hitting the guards causing them to freeze wide-eyed as the two figures walked passed them with elegancy. The police then came back to their senses and immediately looked around for the two figures that were approaching them. They looked back to the taped and noticed that it wasn't meddled with as they started to question their sanity. 

The two figure were looking at the destruction of the building. "It's laughable. The intel we received said this was a crime committed by a psycho, but they expect anyone to believe a mere human did this? What a pathetic attempt at a spin." The male said mocking. "Who's behind it, then?" Asked the girl as they landed on the debris. 

In the moonlight, it revealed the snow-white skin and blood red eyes of noble girl as her hair danced a long with the wind. "I heard that, among humans, there are some heretics who seek superhuman power. We must not allow it to fall into their hands. No mere human is capable of handling it." The male noble said. "We must take care of this matter in our own way." He said as they both stay silent as they  stared at the city full of humans bellow them. Just as they were about to leave when a fabric covered the male face. He removed the cloth from his face and stared at the cloth.. it was a handkerchief. He stared at it seeing the details  on it, it had flowers on it (f/f) though it was a bit dirty with dust, he noticed one noticeable detail... a name written on the handkerchief... Y/N. His eyes widened a bit, he sensed power from this small cloth, it was faint but it was still there. "Seira..." He caught the attention of his companion giving his superior, the handkerchief. Seira, grabbed the handkerchief, as she felt a small amount of powerful magic circling around the small hanky. "She was here." Seira said as she put the handkerchief in her pocket. "The active power source... is a girl and she's close. We need to find her and get her back to Lukedonia." Regis said as they both jumped of into the night. 




The morning came sooner than later, and you were standing next to M-21... as per orders from Frankenstein you stayed next to the modified human... which he didn't mind, this has been the same routine for the past few days so you were comfortable staying close to the modified human. The students of Ye-Han high greeted their 'princess' .... yes students at Ye-Han have declared you the title of Ye-Han princess, something that you didn't know you were titled as... Why you might be asking? Because you are like a Disney princess timid, kind, beautiful. The Modified human sighed as the human girls giggled as they passed him and checked his pocket watch just as the bell rang. 

"It's time to go Miss Y/n." He said as he gently lead you. Just as M-21 was closing the gate a figure came in running stopping in front of you. "Morning Y/n!" He then kissed your cheek before running into the school. You started to giggle and was equally shocked that he had kissed your cheek. 'OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! HER CHEEK WAS SO SOFT!' A particular red head screamed in his mind as he was running to class.

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