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"Okay, What would you do if a Serpentine attacked you?" Jay asked Lloyd. "First, I'll stomp on his tail. Then, when he turns, a thunderclap to the ears. Then when he's stunned, I'll disarm him," Lloyd answered.
"Too late, He's already hypnotized you and you're under his control," Cole said. "Or put you in a squeeze," Zane said. "Or spit on you with his hallucinatory venom. Trust me, bad stuff." Kai said. "Or, he's just stabbed you and you're dead. And snakes don't have ears, by the way," Onyx offered.

"Way to kill the mood, Onyx," Cole said. Onyx shrugged. "It's true." She said nonchalantly, turning to watch Wu accept a package from the Postman, who had managed to give his bike makeshift wings and flown to them. Onyx had to give him credit, the guy took his job seriously. Lloyd groaned. "Uncle, How are you supposed to stun a Serpentine when you don't know what kind it is?" He asked.

Wu walked back over with the package. "Sadly, it was the Sacred Flute that you four carelessly lost," he said with an edge to his voice, giving Jay a look. "Hey, no no no. We didn't lose it, Pythor stole it," Jay defended. "Whatever the case, without it, I fear that we have nothing to combat the Serpentine. We may have prevented them from uniting in the past, but one day they will try again, and they will be stronger," Wu said.

Cole grinned with a self assured swagger that Onyx didn't like. "Don't worry, I've almost reached my full potential, and when I become the Green Ninja, we won't need any magic flutes,"  said. Onyx sighed inwardly when the boys immediately started laughing. They'd grown rather egotistical lately. She tuned out and focused on the clouds drifting by the Bounty. "What's in the box?" Lloyd's voice asked.

Wu opened it. "Your new ninja uniforms." He said loudly, so the boys would hear him over their argument. They stopped shouting so quickly it was almost comical. Onyx peeked into the box curiously. Her eyes lit up at the black and Hunter green gi she saw within. She took it out to examine. The fabric was light and flexible, perfect for sneaking around. The others marveled over their new gis, making comments on the fabric and design. Suddenly the alarm bells going off again caught Onyx's attention.

In the bridge, the ninja checked the location of the distress signal, which happened to be in an amusement park. "Alright guys, get changed and let's go!" Cole ordered. Onyx snagged her new gi and performed a theatre-level quickchange, dashing back out onto the deck moments later, ready to go. The other four ran up to her. The five nodded and leapt off the ship, using their golden weapons to create their vehicles to land with.

Onyx sighed in annoyance when the boys immediately struck poses upon landing. A crowd of people started cheering. Onyx left the boys and approached a screaming woman. "What's worth all this commotion?" She asked, realizing that the people looked... excited. "Oh, you totally missed it. There were, like, these icky snakes, and then this mysterious Samurai came in and saved everyone," she said. "He was, like, gorgeous," another woman volunteered. Onyx opened her mouth to ask the women why they were saying 'like' so much, but Kai asked something more important.

"You saw his face?" He asked quickly. The first woman shook her head. "No, but we could totally tell,"  said. "That's not how it works." Onyx said, confused at the lack of evidence for the statement. The woman sighed. "You'd never understand, sweety. Wait until you're mature like us, then you'll get it. It's, like, a sixth sense," she said dramatically. Onyx growled, knowing full well who was being more mature, and stalked up beside Jay, not wanting to have anyone make her feel like her IQ was dropping any more.

Jay had just noticed someone in the crowd. "Nya, you're here!" He cried, rushing over to her. Nya nodded. "Yeah, you just missed the action. He just flew in, took care of business, and left. It was pretty awesome," Nya said, ducking back into the crowd.

Onyx and the Rise of the SnakesWhere stories live. Discover now