Tick Tock

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Onyx walked out onto the Bounty's deck. At the moment, they were floating on the Endless Sea. She frowned. "Where's Zane?" She asked, noticing his absence. Cole didn't look up from a stopwatch he was holding. "Ten minutes, he broke his own record. The guy's inhuman!" Kai said disbelievingly. Onyx hurried over to the edge of the ship, ignoring the guys' marveling as she held the railing nervously, hoping that Zane hadn't drowned. He was capable of impressive things, but many of them could easily kill him.

A minute later, he resurfaced, and Onyx sighed with relief. "I broke the record?" Zane asked, watching the boys' excitement. "You destroyed it!" Kai said. "Woah. That's really cool," Onyx acknowledged. "Okay, is anyone thinking what I'm thinking? We've been training for so long, I don't think we can get any better," Jay said. "The question should be raised, perhaps we have reached our full potential?" Zane said.

Onyx sunk deep into her thoughts as the boys compared morning routines, wondering what exactly it meant to reach True Potential. She didn't think that any of them had reached it. If they had reached the point, surely they would know. From everything Wu had told her about it, when it was awoken, there would be no doubt about it.

Onyx followed the others into Wu's study. "Sensei, What does a True Potential look like if-" Cole cut off. Wu was placing a katana with a golden handle back into it's case, and there was a solemn, 'don't interrupt me' feel about the movement. Onyx had seen the katana before, but she had never asked about it. There was something about the blade that felt sacred.

Zane stepped back and dipped his head. The others followed suit. "Apologies, Sensei, if we have interrupted you," Zane said quietly. Wu sighed. "I'm sorry if I've been distant lately. My mind has been elsewhere since Lloyd has gone missing. What can I help you with?" He asked, suddenly sounding weary.

"Sensei, what if we've done enough training? What if we've reached our True Potential? What if we're ready?" Cole asked. "Hm. You may have reached peak physical condition, but you've yet to reach full inner potential. In each and every one of us, there are obstacles that hold you back. Only when you conquer that fear will your heart be set free. Only then you will reach your True Potential. Only then will we have a fighting chance to stop the Serpentine from releasing the Great Devourer," Wu said.

Zane frowned. "There's more to the Great Devourer than you've let on, isn't there?" He asked. Wu sighed. "I too, have obstacles within my heart. Long ago, when I was young, Garmadon and I were more than brothers, we were the best of friends." Onyx fidgeted. She'd heard the basics before, but this was new.

Jay suddenly interrupted the story. "Hang on, I know you two were brothers, but friends? Really? The King of Cruelty, Doer of Destruction, Captain of Chaos, and you two were friends?" He asked incredulously. "People love their siblings. Even when they fight," Onyx volunteered.

Wu gave them a look. "Please, no interruptions. You see, he didn't always have a wicked heart. One day, I lost this very katana. Knowing our father would be mad, my brother told me to go get it. But I refused. He told me to not put off until tomorrow what could be done today and went to get it himself. He didn't come back. When my father found him, he was very ill, for he was bitten by a snake that grows forever as long as it consumes. A great evil found it's way into my brother's heart, for the snake's venom could turn the purest of things wicked. The snake is the same one the Serpentine want to reawaken today. It is the snake that took my brother from me," Wu finished.

"So the Great Devourer turned your brother into the Dark Lord?" Kai asked. Onyx frowned. Did that mean that they had no choice but to kill Garmadon? She didn't like the sound of that. It would mean they were killing Lloyd's father. "It was all my fault. You five have finished your training. You must focus on stopping Pythor from gathering the Fangblades. But never lose focus on the obstacles within each of your hearts that block you from greatness. Unlock your True Potentials," Wu said.

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