Ignorance and Possibility

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Onyx watched the Falcon's video feed in the bridge. So far the bird hadn't found anything, but it kept up its diligent search. She was just turning to leave when the Falcon gave an alarmed 'caw!' She spun on her heel to see what it had found. Displayed on the screen was a group of Serpentine slithering through a forest. At their head were Pythor and Skales. The Falcon circled around them. At the end of the procession were two Serpentine carrying a cage. Within the bars was...

"Lloyd!" Onyx cried, relived that the boy was unharmed. In fact, he seemed more feisty than ever, pulling on the bars and snapping what were undoubtedly insults at the snakes. Onyx watched a moment more, then hurried from the bridge to tell the others that the Falcon had finally found the Serpentine.

She hurried through the hallway, looking for Wu. It had been his orders to tell him immediately if anything happened. Onyx rounded the corner and nearly ran into Kai, who was perched on a stepstool outside Wu's room. She quickly jumped back out of sight and listened. From the room, she could just make out Wu's voice.

"When the five weapons are laid out before the destined one, they will react, revealing the identity of the Green Ninja," Wu said. "But Sensei..." Nya's voice said. Onyx immediately realized what was happening, and a pang of jealousy pierced her heart.

"You'll test someone who isn't even a ninja? You haven't even tried me," Onyx didn't realize she'd spoken out loud until Garmadon laughed softly. She jumped and looked over. He was standing there, staring at her with an amused look in his eyes. Onyx felt cold. She shook her head. Don't tell anyone. Garmadon smirked and shrugged. We'll see. Onyx forced herself to relax. It was the best she was going to get. And besides, she had a feeling that she would be safe, at least for the time being.

Garmadon stepped up to Kai. "What are you doing out here?" He asked. "Woah!" Kai fell off the stool with a quiet shout. "What are you doing out here?" He returned aggressively. Garmadon's grin widened. "Evil never sleeps," he answered. "Yeah? Well good never rests," Kai snapped. "Perhaps we should settle this right here?" Garmadon taunted. "I was hoping you would say that," Kai said, shoving Garmadon, who returned with a push of his own. Onyx backed away slightly, wondering what she would do if they got out of hand.

Before the spat could escalate any further, Nya opened the door. "Wha-? guys, guys! What are you doing out here?" She asked after shoving the two apart. Garmadon crossed both sets of arms. "You ought to ask Mr. Snoopy-pants that question," he said. Nya glared at Kai. "Kai, were you spying on me?" She asked accusingly. "No way! I was... uh... keeping watch! So are you the Green Ninja?" Kai said, changing subjects so abruptly it was hard to follow his words.

"What? Of course not," Nya said. Kai sighed in relief. "So the weapons didn't tell you. That means I still have a chance," he muttered under his breath. Onyx couldn't stop a burst of pleasure. Wu exited the room behind her. "Truth is, she never wanted to know," he said. Nya nodded. "At first, all I wanted was to be like you, but after seeing how obsessed you've become and discovering what I can do on my own, I'm happy being a Samurai," she said.

Onyx stepped out. "I'm not obsessed," she said. She flinched. Why can't I keep my thoughts to myself today? "Onyx, you know better than to eavesdrop. You are supposed to be in the bridge, correct?" Wu said sternly. "But I left to tell you-" Jay cut Onyx off, suddenly walking up to the five. "Onyx, you were supposed to be in the bridge. Zane's falcon found the Serpentine," he said.

"I left the bridge to-" Yet again, Onyx was cut off, though this time it was Wu. "No excuses. Now come, we have more important matters at hand," he said, walking after Jay. Onyx didn't move for a moment, slightly confused at how no one had seemed to hear what she was saying. "I know why you left. Now come on," Nya said, not unkindly. Onyx nodded and followed her to the bridge. Wu was probably just frustrated with the lack of progress, anyway. It happened occasionally.

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