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The streets of Ninjago were empty as the ninja sped through it in their vehicle. "Where is everyone?" Kai breathed. "I think they're hiding," Onyx answered. The ninja sped into a large square and skidded to a halt. The Great Devourer was there, looming menacingly over an ancient jalopy, inside of which were....

"Mom? Dad?" Jay whispered. The cockpit of the vehicle popped open, and the ninja leapt out. "Leave my parents alone! Lightning!" He threw bolts of electricity at the snake, hitting it in the face and making it shriek and slither away from his parents. Kai shot bursts of flame at it, trying to scare it away from the fleeing citizens.

Onyx and Zane ran to flank Kai and help him keep the snake away until everyone could get out of its way. Cole threw the news van at it, Zane froze its tail to the ground, and Onyx hit it with a shard of darkness.  The Devourer screeched and yanked its tail free. It waved it menacingly at the ninja. "Uh... I think we only made it mad," Jay said. It swung its tail down at them, aiming to kill.

Suddenly, Samurai X zoomed in out of nowhere and caught the bone hook, putting off the ninja's demise for another time. She shoved a lamppost into its mouth when the beast lunged at her. "Samurai to the rescue again!" Jay shouted, preparing for an attack of his own. "Its breath smells worse than Cole's chili!" Lloyd, who was squished inside the mech with Nya, shouted. "Hey!" Cole cried, affronted.

The Devourer lost it, flinging its head and shrieking, slamming against the buildings beside it. "No, no, no!" Onyx cried, firing blasts of shadow at it in a futile attempt to force it away from the buildings. Nya gave a panicked cry as her mech swung wildly in the snake's mouth. "Get out of there, sis!" Kai shouted. "I can't! I'm stuck!" She cried. Suddenly, out of nowhere, two shapes, one vast and white, and the other small and black, slammed into the Devourer's head, knocking the mech from its jaws.

The shapes flew up into the sky, looping around the buildings. Onyx finally managed to get a good look at them. One was a huge four-headed dragon, and the other was a black dragon. "Rocky! Our dragons are back!" Cole cried. Onyx's eyes met with the dragon that had vibrant red eyes and hunter-green accents. "It's good to see you again, Fade," she whispered. She was no longer emaciated and corpselike. Her muscles had filled out and regained their shine, and her eyes were complete, rather than orbs of light.

"It appears that dragons go through metamorphosis when they reach adulthood. They, too, have found their true potential," Zane observed. Onyx looked down, face contorting with anger and frustration. She still hadn't been able to find her potential yet. She bit her tongue, the sharp pain dragging her back to reality. Now wasn't the time to get lost in emotion. She and the others leapt onto Fade and the white dragon, respectively. There was no time to waste.

"Hah! They couldn't have come at a better time. Go get 'em, Rocky! Go!" Cole shouted encouragingly at the dragon. "Ice!" Zane ordered. Shard's head threw ice at the Devourer. "Fire!" "Lightning!" "Darkness!" A barrage of elemental attacks pummeled the snake. "Earth! Can dragons get any cooler? Seriously," Cole said. The dragon rammed the Devourer head-on. It shrieked and began to slither up around a building. "Yes, it's running away!" Kai cried. Suddenly, the snake stabbed its tail at the dragon. "No!" They all screamed as it was flung to the ground before them. "What now?" Nya cried. Onyx picked up on a dark presence that she knew. She spun around at the same time as Lloyd. "You came back!" Lloyd cried, staring at his father.

Garmadon walked up to the ninja. "Give me the weapons. I am the only one who can handle all of their power at once. It's the only thing that will defeat the Devourer," he said urgently. "Uh, I thought we were supposed to do everything in our power to not let him possess the weapons," Jay said. Zane sighed. "I've run every other scenario through my servers. It appears to be the only way," he said. Onyx touched the daggers on her hips lightly. She knew that he was right.

Onyx and the Rise of the SnakesWhere stories live. Discover now