looking across the room

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Cécilia and Mariane, a Swiss Erasmus student in her class she befriended, were sitting in the same small café they were always going to, working on the next project they needed to have done for the following week. 

The two french speaking students were the only girls in their class - the joy of being girls in STEM - so they found themselves partnered in every one of their classes since no boys wanted to work with them. 

They had the same goal in this field : they wanted to work in motorsports. They had already started to dream of working alongside each other in a Formula One team, travelling the world and winning world titles. 

Mariane was not one to show her emotions easily, her shell protecting her from the outside world and its people. When they started to get to know each other, "Nini" told her how she had experienced shit growing up and that she didn't really want to let people in anymore. She quickly added that she wanted to let Lili in, just no more boys. 

The Swiss girl hated men with her whole heart. God, she despised them so much that she could kill every single one that would get too close to her - or to Lili since she took on the mission to protect her as well. Cécilia never asked for too much information on her hatred for men since she easily understood that it was a sensitive subject. 

She didn't talk much but Lili didn't mind. It was the first time since primary school that she felt like she had found a friend, someone she could truly rely on. She knew that no matter how cold Nini could seem, she would stick by her side no matter what would happen this year. 


In the back of that same café, a group of five guys were sitting around a coffee table, talking about their new big project coming up soon. 

"Kris what's wrong ? You've been staring behind me for like 10 minutes" a brunette guy told his friend who was sitting in front of him. 

"Don't worry Jan, he's just been staring at a girl" laughed another brunette sitting next to Kris. 

The blond guy rolled his eyes and punched his friend. "Shut up Bojan" 

"Oh ! It seems that her friend is leaving and she's staying ! You should go talk to her" Bojan nudged his friend. 

"Nope" simply said the blond guy. 

"Oh come on ! You're the one who always says you like confident girls ! " laughed the shortest one of the five. 

"Yeah and I never mention that I was confident myself" he looked at his friends, "Because I'm not" he added like it was the most obvious thing before crossing his arms over his chest. 

His friends quickly understood that pushing him to go talk to her was actually useless and decided to focus on what they were working on. 

Yet, not talking about it didn't stop the tallest of the group to keep looking at the girl who was now sitting alone. Her eyes were focused on her laptop in front of her, only drifting away to look at the calculator sitting on the table next to a notebook. She was definitely studying something along the line of math, or STEM in general. 

She and her friend seemed to be around his age, maybe just a little younger but if so, not too much. Her face radiated positivity and happiness it might be due to the fact that she smiled and laughed a lot when she was talking with her friend but even now when concentrating she looked genuinely nice. 

From the small number of words he heard from the two friends, they weren't speaking in Slovenian or English. He thought it might have been French but he wasn't so sure about that. They must be foreign students he thought. 

"Kris? Kris?" Jan's voice woke him up from staring at the girl. God, he must have looked like a creep. "We're going" his friend explained as he saw the rest of the group putting on their jackets. 

"You should have gone to talk to her," Bojan whispered in his ear. "But I have to say you're lucky she was so concentrated on her screen because otherwise, she would have thought you were weird" he added, confirming what the blond guy thought. 

Ljubljana, Slovenia

lililaurentLjubljana, Slovenia

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lililaurent teaching Nini how to take pictures. Hers vs. Mine


marianesworld I'm trying my best

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