job offer

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"Wait what ?" the Belgian girl asked her friend to repeat himself, not sure she had heard him correctly. 

"A full-time job as a photographer" Bojan repeated "Once you graduate of course" the singer added. "You'll follow us all summer for our little European tour, and maybe also make content when we're back in the studio"

"We have your contract already written with us, you can read it and make comments if there's anything bothering us. You'll sign it when you get your results" added Jan. 

Lili felt her eyes water. It was all she ever wished for. She looked at the guys in the room to make sure it wasn't some sort of horrible prank they would pull on her but the serious looks on their faces made it pretty clear. It was not a joke. 

She went to hug the singer before all the guys joined in. Tears still rushing down her cheeks, Lili spoke again. "I need to text Nini oh my god". 

"Oh she already knows" smiled Kris. The girl was looking at her boyfriend with confusion in her eyes, "We may have told her we were planning to do that and made her swear she wouldn't tell you anything"


She had presented her thesis earlier that same week and was still waiting for the results. She was already hoping that she passed, meaning that she would finally be done with engineering but the prospect of this job - her dream job - made her expect the answer even more. It was supposed to come any time now. 

Still sitting in Bojan's living room with the guys who were still talking about their tour, the Belgian girl saw her phone light up with an email notification. Looking closely at her phone she recognized the email address of her thesis supervisor. Grabbing her phone, she read the subject of the email : "An update on your thesis".

Opening the email she started reading it, her hand shaking while the guys were too concentrated on their conversation to spot her stress. 

"Dear Cécilia, 

Following your presentation earlier this week, I have been communicated the thesis committee's decision. 

Congratulations Cécilia, I am proud to tell you that you passed with honours and the highest grade possible. 

The comments from the jury have been incredible, all of them praising your hard work and the quality of your work. 

It has been a pleasure to be your thesis supervisor this year and even greater to have been your professor. I could see right from the start that engineering was not your dream career (and from what I heard from Mariane it happens to be photography). You were an incredible student who - no matter the fact you didn't want to pursue this field - never quit. 

You are a part of these students that have an impact on every single professor that gets the chance to teach you. A true inspiration of hard work and dedication, no matter your interest in the subject of studies. 

I cannot wait to see you thrive in the career you truly love. But I do have to mention that the motorsport world will be missing one of the greatest engineers I have ever met. 

Good luck with the rest of your life,

Joseph Vanderbuilt
Engineering Physics Professor"

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