looking after you

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Lili and Nini were out with the guys from Joker Out to have one last big night together before their last concert in their home country and their departure to the Eurovision preparties. The band chose to go to one of Ljubljana's biggest clubs called Nova - in which Lili didn't have many great memories - after pre-partying in some bars around the city.

Kris only had one drink in the club when he started to feel dizzy. Something was wrong and Lili almost immediately spotted it. She whispered something in both Nini and Jan's ears who were by her side before making her way to the tall blond.

The guitarist was surrounded by two girls who had massive grins on their faces and looked ready to jump on him on the first occasion. Lili placed her arm around his back and softly kissed his cheek.

"Can I help you two ?" she asked nicely, not wanting to sound like a bitch. The two girls looked at her with disgust while Kris placed a kiss on her temple.

Looking at his eyes, she saw how dilated his pupils were and how dizzy he seemed to be. She shot a glare at the girls without saying a word, understanding what was going on.

"We were just talking with him. No need to be all jealous" one of them replied looking at the Belgian girl up and down.

"Yeah, you can definitely come back to where you come from" the other one added pointing to the back of the club.

"I just want to make sure that my boyfriend is alright and from what I'm seeing it clearly isn't the case. Thank you so much for giving him some company but I'll take it from here" she openly lied before shooting them the biggest fake smile possible.

Lili hated to lie, but when the times needed it - like at that exact moment - she had no remorse to do so. And right now Kris needed to be safe which was a valid reason to do so.


Walking back to Kris' apartment had been a hell of a walk. No matter the fact that he lived pretty closed by, the 10 minutes walk back turned into about 45 minutes. As much as Lili tried to help him, he wasn't able to walk in a straight line and had to stop a bunch of times to vomit.

Seeing him in this state was terrible. She knew how much he wanted to enjoy this night and not drink too much since they would be gone for a while after that.

Yet his state didn't get any better once he got to his apartment, the only thing was now that he didn't have to vomit in bushes.

The Belgian heard him mumble under his breath as she was bringing him a glass of water so he could wash his mouth. She didn't understand a thing he was saying since he was speaking in Slovenian but she picked up a bunch of Dutch words, including the word for 'girlfriend' which she hoped was said about her.

When Kris was finally fast asleep it was already 5 am and Lili was far from being sleepy - the adrenaline still kicking. She decided to start cleaning his bathroom since it was a mess and to look for some meds since he will definitely have a massive headache when he'll wake up.

Lili also decided to do the laundry since his clothes definitely needed a wash after the entire night. She had grabbed him a clean shirt from his wardrobe so he could sleep in it and not in his dirty clothes.

When everything was done, she sat down on Kris' couch and looked at the time. it was almost 6 am and she was definitely too tired to walk for an hour to get back home. She knew he wouldn't mind her crashing on his couch so she decided to make herself comfortable and lay there. How the tables turned.

Lili woke up at noon and the first thing she did was to check up on him. The blond boy was still fast asleep in his bed.

The Belgian girl started by hanging out the washing before making her way to her kitchen to make both of them something to eat. She quickly found everything she needed to make some pancakes.

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