first concert

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"Do you remember the girl in the café" asked Kris joining his friends in Bojan's living room in which they were playing Fifa. 

"The one you always stare at ?" asked Jan, his eyes not leaving the screen. 

"The one you were too scared to go talk to ?" added Jure, not looking at his friend either. 

Kris sighed at what his friends said. "Yeah so her name is Lili and we talked for like two hours about a week ago" he simply told them. 

Bojan put the game on hold while everyone was now staring at the tall blond. Their friend wasn't the type to simply go talk to a girl in a café because he found her pretty so they knew it must have been her who came to talk to him. 

"How ?!" Nace asked, as confused as his friends.

"Well last week there weren't many available seats in the café since it was full so she asked if she could sit in front of me. Obviously, I said yes and so we started talking. In the end, I got her phone number and now we text almost every day" explained the guitarist.

"You got her phone number ?" asked Jan in disbelief. 

"You waited a week to tell us ?" added Bojan shocked that his friend could wait so long before telling the rest of the band. 

"Yes and yes. Also, she had no idea who I was ! Like no clue about my name or whatever !" finished Kris. 

Or so he hoped since the next 30 minutes were spent answering all the questions his friends asked him about the girl while their Fifa game was still paused. 


"Oh come on Lili ! I don't want to go all by myself !" Mariane told the brunette by her side. 

"What's the band again ?" asked Cécilia accepting her fate. 

"Joker Out. I read some rumours that they will be the Slovenian entry in Eurovision this year" her friend simply explained. "There's the one I made you listen to last time when we were in the café"

"Ok" the brunette sighed. No matter how much she trusted her friend and her abilities to protect herself, she knew that letting her go to a concert alone at night wasn't the wisest idea. 

Lili has always been in love with concert photography meaning that no matter the concert she would attend - or if she even knew the artist playing - she would bring her camera and would try to sneak in the front rows. There was something mesmerizing in capturing the energy and the aesthetic of the artists. 

Nini on the other hand couldn't care less about concert photography, yet being in the front rows was her little pleasure when going to a concert. The energy was so much better than in the back. Sure you can't move a lot and dance, but seeing the artists so close was much better than being able to move anyways... 

The Belgian girl was making sure her camera was on the right settings when she heard the people around her screaming. Looking up from her camera she saw the band making their way onto the stage. 

Mariane had told her before the show that one of the two guitarists of the band would be standing in front of them, but the Swiss girl didn't tell her his name, only that he was - like the rest of the band - really good. 

A blond guy in a pink suit stood in front of them with his white guitar and quickly started to play the first notes of the first song they would play that night. 

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