Chapter 20

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No one dared to speak. Stunned silence echoes the room. Maeve remains against the wall as if trying to get as far away from you as possible. Your father sat speechless looking at the terrified woman. Alexander stands for a moment with his mouth hung open housing the words he almost spoke. Moments pass before the man clenches his mouth shut and shuffles past your family towards you.

Sebastian watched in horror as the man stomps up to you aggressively and grabs your face the same way his wife had. He holds your jaw tightly while angrily looking into your eyes. He studied you silently. Angrily.

"I can see it." Maeve breaths out "I can see it in her eyes."

"You speak nonsense." You father disagrees "You are tired from your travels. Perhaps you should rest."

"I am not tired." Maeve disagrees intently "I can see the evil in her eyes. Darkness and hatred like I have never seen before. It was exquisitely beautiful."

Her words threw the room off. Though she looked terrified Sebastian could see she was still mesmerized by you. Like a lion eyeing it's prey. Only this time the prey fought back.

"Child, tell me now is this the truth?" Alexander commands. An unnerving smile etched itself across your face. Seeing this caused your father to stand abruptly.

"You dare come into my estate and speak such lies." He growls angrily. Elias let's out a booming laugh. One that he could only have been holding in his entire life "Silence, boy!"

Alexander ignores the commotion as he searches your eyes for answers you were not giving him. He had looked into your eyes before today. The bitterly sweet eyes you owed. It disgusted him how much care was behind them. How much life you held in your stare. Life he couldn't find looking back at him today.

"My god." He gasps silently "it is true."

"I told you, Alexander. She has been brought back by the darkness magic ever known." Maeve affirmed as she approached her husband and you.

"I did not think you capable of this." Alexander remarked turning to your father while still holding you in his hands "You're perfect precious daughter. Your prized possession. She's gone."

"Lies!" Your mother finally piped up "She is here! She is alive!" Alexander grew a sick smile at her words.

"Has your husband ever explained this practice to you?" He asks excitedly "I couldn't imagine he has."

"Silence." Your father commands as he towers over the Gaunts.

"You misunderstand me." Alexander explains "I do not judge you. I admire your work." He turns his attention back at you and notes you still wearing the same smile. He smiles back at you "Tell me child, do you feel it? Can you feel the magic coursing through your veins?"

"Yes." You respond softly.

"Why do you hide it? Why keep it in? Your father has given you a gift no other has received in millennia." He divulged.

"y/n stand back from him." Your mother begs as she approaches. Suddenly Maeve lifts her wand and points it at her. Her eager face full of joy at your mothers hesitation to move any further.

"Do you fear what you have created?" She taunts "The most powerful monster this generation will ever see?"

"Speak like that again and you will lose your tongue." Your father warns lifting his hand towards the woman.

"Father, get away from her." Ominis demands as he stands.

"If it hasn't already it will consume you child. The girl you once were is dead. Your father did not bring her back. He has created someone new." Alexander rejoices "Hide her no longer."

Cruelty - Sebastian Sallow x Reader x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now