Chapter Seven (Thoughts)

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Kiaan's pov

We got engaged today. I am having a really weird feeling.

Putting the ring of my name in her finger made me satisfied....
Satisfied from inside.

It was an assurance that she is going to be with me soon.....

I willingly bought one size smaller ring so that she cannot remove it.
Somewhere I am scared...scared of losing her. This is new for me . I didn't feel like this before .

I feel like if she leaves me, I can't live .
If she is not going to be with me, I am not gonna be okay.

I lay down on my bed , closed my eyes thinking about her .

She was looking so good today. Generally, she does not wear traditional clothes . But in my opinion, traditional suits her most.
I can't control myself seeing her in traditional.

But one thing was missing in her appearance, that was her smile.
The most favorite thing of mine.
I know she is not happy with this marriage. She is marrying me because of her parents. But I will keep her happy after marriage. I will make her again that bright Alizah.

I will fulfill all her needs. I will give her happiness of the whole world. I will make my butterfly fly like before.

I will make her that sunshine again but only for me.

My whole life I wasn't not very expressive , I can't express my feelings my thoughts like Alizah . I fought with my inner demon whole life . Still I am fighting with it.

I can't help but think that I don't deserve her and I don't want to loose her as well . She is like fresh air .
Refreshing and beautiful.

But Will she love me? Will she accept me for who I am ?

Alizah's pov

My whole world is shattering before my eyes . And I can't do anything. I never felt this much helpless.

My parents are saying they want my well being. But how can I make them understand that I'm scared.

Scared of his presence, his personality.

What if he tries to control me like he always did.

My whole life I dreamed for care love respect from my life partner. But with Kiaan I'm not very sure of it.

His words , his works scares me, terrifies me.

Sometimes leaves me speechless

Thinking about my future, I drift into sleep .

I woke up with my mom's voice.

"How can you sleep so late . Come on , don't you have to get ready?"

"Oh shit. Today is my wedding"and that thought made me shiver.

"Come on hurry up. Go to the parlour "

Me and my cousins directly went to the parlour. They were gossiping chilling but I was on a terrible state .

I was preparing myself mentally.

For 3-4 hours the parlour ladies was grooming me . I sat there like a statue.
So annoying....

They kept saying lot of things, like this will suit you, wow you look so good. I but didn't care

All I care about my future.
Thinking about it .

And when it was finished, I properly looked myself at the mirror.

But I didn't see anything special. Maybe I looked good but I couldn't concentrate on that because my heart was racing .

Then we left for the wedding venue.

After the wedding procession came, I was taken to the mandap

And when my eyes met with Kiaan.......

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Love ya all 😘

-soft tulip 🌷💕

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