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This one is based of my other story and if you like this go read that

Kristen was a 10-year-old girl who loved to learn and play with her friends. However, Kristen had a medical condition that made it difficult for her to keep up with her peers. Kristen had POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) and epilepsy.

POTS made Kristen's heart race and her blood pressure drop when she stood up or sat down. Kristen had to be careful, and she was always tired and lightheaded. Her parents and doctors worked to manage her symptoms, and they often advised Kristen to sit down or take it easy when she felt unwell.

One day, Kristen woke up feeling terrible. She didn't want to worry her parents or teachers, so she tried to tough it out. Kristen went to school but felt worse throughout the day. She even got sick in the bathroom, but she still tried her best to hide it from everyone.

Kristen's class was working on presentations for a science project. Kristen's heart sank at the thought of standing up and speaking in front of everyone. She didn't want anyone to see her struggling, but she didn't want to disappoint her teacher either.

When it was Kristen's turn to present, she took a deep breath and stood up. However, after only a few sentences, Kristen began to sway, and her legs gave out as she passed out on the floor. Her teacher ran to her side, noticing Kristen beginning to seize. The teacher quickly called 911, and Kristen was rushed to the hospital.

At the hospital, Kristen was monitored closely by doctors and nurses. However, her seizures continued, and she kept passing out. Her parents were worried sick, and they stayed by her side, hoping for the best.

The doctors adjusted Kristen's medications, and after a few days, Kristen began to stabilize. She had a rough few days, but Kristen remained strong and brave. She missed a week of school, but Kristen was happy to finally be home.

Kristen's teacher visited her in the hospital and even brought her a basket of crafts and activities to keep her busy. Kristen was grateful for the support and care her teacher showed her.

From then on, Kristen was open and honest about her condition. She talked to her friends and classmates, and they understood her struggles better. Kristen even gave a speech at school about living with POTS and epilepsy. Her classmates listened with open hearts and minds, and Kristen felt proud of herself.

Kristen still had her struggles, but she had a newfound sense of strength and resilience. She knew she could handle whatever came her way, as long as she remained open and honest with those around her.


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