Eva May(heat exhaustion)

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None's POV

The sun was bright and warm when the young teen came stumbling into town. It was early on a Wednesday afternoon, the hottest day they had had so far.

A breeze blew through the air while she ran through the town. It was 100 degrees outside with little wind and Eva May was sweating profusely.

She could feel her shirt sticking to her body as if her skin were burning off and her heart beating furiously. Sweat trickled from the top of her forehead down her face and back as she ran, her hair stuck to her skin like glue.

Her eyes felt heavy and she wasn't sure she could stand anymore. She felt weak and nauseous. She had been running for over an hour.

When the town came into view at last, Eva May slowed her pace to a walk and tried to catch her breath. Her legs felt like jelly but she didn't slow down.

She desperately needed water but didn't want to stop, she was doing so well. She slowed her pace to take a breath when she felt nausea knock her down.

"H-H-Help," Eva May yelled in a raspy voice. It was so quiet no one hear her. "P-P-P-P-Please help me I-I-I-I c-can't breathe," she cried clawing at her shirt.

A man ran to her side "Ma'am are you okay? I'm a doctor," he said. "I can't b-b-b-breathe," Eva May squeaked. Eva May saw black spots dancing in her vision as she collapsed onto the sidewalk.

Her head collided with the concrete as the doctor reached for her. He lied her onto the ground and checked for breathing. Once he made sure she was ok he rang for an ambulance.

A group of teenagers gathered around "What happened to her, can we do anything to help?" One of the teenagers asked. "Yes someone find a wet rag and something to prop her legs up on," he instructed. The teenagers scrambled away and came back minutes later with the items.

They propped her legs up and put the wet cloth on her forehead. The paramedics arrived seconds later and examined her. Finally after a couple of minutes Eva May woke up. When she looked around she saw she was surrounded by people.

Concerned faces stared back at her, their expressions a mix of relief and worry."Are you okay?" one of the teenagers asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.Eva May blinked, still feeling a bit disoriented. "I... I think so," she managed to say, her voice weak.

"What's your name?" The paramedics asked helping her to sit up and offered her some water. She gratefully took a few sips, feeling the cool liquid soothe her parched throat. The wet cloth on her forehead provided some relief from the heat. "E-Eva May." She stuttered

The doctor who had initially come to her aid kneeled down beside her. "You had a fainting episode," he explained gently. "It seems like a combination of heat exhaustion and dehydration caused you to collapse."

Eva May nodded, her mind slowly processing the information. She had been pushing herself too hard in the scorching weather, not realizing the toll it was taking on her body."I'm sorry," she murmured, feeling a mix of embarrassment and gratitude for the help she received.

The doctor smiled kindly. "No need to apologize. It's important to listen to our bodies and take care of ourselves, especially in extreme temperatures."

The paramedics finished their assessment, ensuring Eva May's vitals were stable and she was feeling better. They advised her to rest, stay hydrated, and avoid strenuous activities until she fully recovered. They informed her that her vitals were good and that she could call someone to take her home.

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