I'm Fine? More Like I'm Faking It

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Chapter 7

The interview with SIU is a blur. I remember nothing except that I had the impression that I was not going to lose my job. Just the suspension so they can wrap up their paperwork. I got back to SRU and saw the team waiting for me. "Guys you didn't have to wait for me."

"We're one big family Jess. We look out for each other." Ed said as he walked over to give me a hug. "You ok?"

"I'm fine."

"Get your stuff. We're all going out for pizza. No arguing."

I nodded and headed to the locker room.

I had to hand it to these guys, they know how to try to make someone feel better. Operative word being try. Sure I laughed at the jokes and joined the arm wrestling competitions and smiled the whole time, but my heart wasn't in it. Here I was living my life and there was a man out who died simply because two junkies pushed him over the edge. And the two junkies are perfectly fine. When it comes to messy emotions my way to handle things is to fake it till I make it. Tonight was obviously no exception.

I glanced at the clock. "I should go guys. Before my dog figures out how to dial 911."

Spike looked up. "I should probably be heading home too. I'll walk you to your car."

"Ok." I said getting up and hugging everyone.

Spike and I walked out of the restaurant and when we got to my car there was an awkward silence.

Wanting to fill it I remembered something that he said earlier in the morning. "Spike, what did you mean earlier when you said today seemed like a promising day?"

"Huh? Oh, um nothing. I was just in a good mood."

"Uh huh. And I'm not the least bit ruffled by the fact that I killed a man today. Seriously Spike you can't bullshit a bullshitter."

He shifted. "Ok so there may be a small chance I was planning on asking you out after work today."

I raised an eyebrow. "And that just went out the window because I shot someone?"

"I figured you wouldn't be up to it after everything."

This guy is so sweet I could kiss him. "You're right. Probably not. But when all this blows over try. I might say yes." I said smiling.


"Yep." I said and on a whim kissed his cheek. "Night Spike. Thanks for worrying about me."

Then I got I. My car and headed home.

When I got home I was greeted by a happy dog.

"Hey boy. Glad you had a good day."

After taking him for a walk I curled up in bed and tried to stop my mind from playing the scene over and over again. No such luck.

Dex jumped on the bed and moved up so he could lick my face and try to make me feel better. I cried myself to sleep cuddling my loyal German Shepherd.

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