9. Chimon

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Two days of rest and I am feeling all right now. I cannot rest anymore. I had a word with Mr. Aniret in phone the other after getting discharged. And he told me that Perth had a fight with the seniors after I passed out.

He also mentioned how Perth Tanapon picked me up in his arm and took me in his car to the hospital. From the hospital staff and Nanon I had also got to know that Perth stayed with me whole night because he wasn't able to get in touch with anyone from my office mentioned emergency contact numbers.

Why would someone like Perth Tanapon care about someone like me?

I am so confused. No actually. More than that I am uncomfortable. I am not used to this at all. People tend to either make fun of me or loathe me for being rude or straightforward.

This is first time when I am having difficulty in understanding anyone.

I entered the office, met with Mr. Aniret in person and talked to him for a while. Then got up to my desk which I found full of papers and files.

"Good morning." I greeted everyone around.

But it was just Mr. Beam who greeted me back with what seemed like a sarcastic grin. "Good Morning Mr. Wachirawit. I hope you are feeling better now?"

I nodded slowly.

"Good, then please get back to work."

"Umm... all this?" I said pointing to the table.

"It's all yours. Pending work." He patted my shoulder with a grin and left.

This is impossible. I was on leave for just three days.

Still I smiled at everyone and started organizing my papers.

It took me a whole day and more to be able to finish my work. Most of it is still left. Especially the ones that need approvals. Because nobody is approving any of my proposals and figures.

I knew this will happen from the day I started standing up against an executive. But do I care? No. They will eventually sign when they will have to answer further ahead.

All I need to do is keep pushing myself without getting discouraged.

I was about to leave the office when Mr. Beam called me.

I rolled my eyes but picked up anyway. "Hello?"

[Chimon, come to the address that I am sending you. It's our President's daughter's b'day. Everyone is supposed to be here.]

Right, and you are telling me this at 10 PM. "Ok." I said politely and hung up.

Honestly I am tired. But this is a party I cannot miss.

So I took a cab and went straight to the location.

"Chimon! Just the person I was waiting for." Mr. Beam said as soon as I reached the entrance and immediately pulled the bag from my hand and handed me another nag instead. Inside there were some clothes.

"What is this?" I asked confused.

"Go get dressed like a clown. We forgot to arrange one and Boss is furious." He said.

I gaped at him unable to process it.

"C'mon, do you want a kid to cry on her birthday?" he nudged.

And when I saw her face across the hall I felt defeated. I hesitantly nodded and they pushed me to a changing room.

Well... I am a clown anyway right?

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