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You got out of the car. In front of you was the place it all started. The beginning of your misery, ending someone's life and the continuous pain. Destiny threw you back. But the difference is that before you were helpless and innocent and now you're unbreakable.
You tightly held Minji's hand and started walking towards the big metal gate. Nothing changed there. No one changed there.

The guard stopped you from entering.
"Who are you? You can not enter."
You scoffed.
"Who am I? Call Jimin. I want to talk to that asshole."

"HEY YOU CHEAP!", he shouted.

"Don't shout!", you attacked his rudeness with your fearless expression.


"I'll wait one more time before shooting you bitch."

You side eyed the guard.

"Beats me."

He grinds his teeth seeing his ego crushed by a mere, injured women.

"Y/n! You're here?"
You saw Jimin running down the stairs, barefoot, coming towards you. He had the biggest smile on his face.

How can he act like everything's okay? Where's the empathy?

You held Minji's hands tighter, as any mother would do, despite the fact that no mother should face this situation.
Your heart started pounding at an alarming rate.

But something happened that shook your heart. You never imagined it. Considering it was your daughter, you felt defeated.
Minji shaked her hands off your grip and ran towards Jimin. She tightly held him with a glee over her face. He bent down to caress YOUR daughter.

You started to snatch her back but neither of them were ready to let go of each other.
"Leave him Minji."

"Wait Y/n. Let me spend some time with her.", he stated.

"LET GO OF MY DAUGHTER!", you snatched her and held her tightly. Jimin fell back because of your sudden action.
The air went silent for some time.

"Y/n why are-", he tried to ask something before getting up but you interrupted him.

"Freakin pedophile!", you disgusted at him.

Jimin got up and furiously strapped his hands around your neck. Choking you, he said, "Y/n you can call me anything you want. Murderer, psychopath, kidnapper, whatever the fuck you want. BUT THAT. Anything except THAT."

"Jimin let go of me.", you begged as you struggled for oxygen.

"You have seen my personality Y/n, not my persona."

He finally let go of you when Minji wrapped her hands around his leg. She definitely wasn't ready for the action.

You coughed a lot. His eyes were tearing up.

What is wrong with him? What's he hiding?

"I'm sorry baby. Let's go inside and talk."

"No. Jimin how weak are you?"

Your words made him confused.

"What do you mean?"

"You put Hoseok in jail just to get to me, his wife? You needed to get him out of-"

"Okay, okay, hang on. Y/n I could've killed him much much before if I wanted to. At the party, at the hospital, absolutely anywhere. But I didn't. I'm weak but only for you. Just you, your highness."

"What? You didn't?"

"No! Of course not!"

You went confused. You thought Jimin was the reason for all your problems but this case is something else.

If not him, then who?

"I'll do something Y/n. Let me call my new secretary. She'll handle it. Oh! But this will be a little shocking for you."

What now? Is this not enough for me?

You saw a woman, dressed in all black formal suit, coming towards you. She had sunglasses on her face. Her face was very familiar.

"Who is-", finally you recognised her.


Chills shivered down your spine. Never in a million years you imagined you could encounter her again. You could not believe in truth and false anymore. Everything is illusion for you now.

"But y-you.."

"Died?", she stood behind Jimin.
"That Lily died Y/n."

"You w-with JIMIN? He killed your husba-"

"Who cares?"

Another explosion. You can't believe what you were hearing and seeing. And Lily didn't even bothered to glance at her biological daughter. She had no emotions on her face.


"Why should I care? It's not like we had a relationship."

"I'll leave you girls alone to talk now. Come on Minji, let's go see my house.", Jimin grabbed her hand and went upstairs. You let him go because somewhere you believed that Jimin couldn't do anything wrong with her.

"Yoongi loved you! He died for you Lily!"

She scoffed.
"Loved me? Y/n, Yoongi started to like you."

"No no no. What are you even saying?", you tried to deny her harsh words.

"I know it feels like shit. But Y/n, I knew him before and more than you. I know he developed feelings for you."

You never wanted to hear this, but fate has decided something else.

"We...we were just good friends."

"From your perspective. You are immature Y/n, sorry but you really are."

"But still, how could you behave like this? He was your husband, the father of your daughter!"

She patted your shoulders and said, "I hope it won't happen, but if Hoseok ever cheats on you, you'll behave like this too. I was rich, I wanted to be a model. But for Yoongi, I sacrificed everything. I never questioned his work, I never questioned my fate. I took care of her, Minji and Yoongi. And he?"

"I'm sorry but Hoseok will never do that. NEVER!"

"You're so innocent dear. Men will be men. Jimin, Yoongi, Hoseok, everyone is the same. And if that day comes, you can cry on my shoulder."

"I hate you Lily."

"It's okay."

Before you could say anything you heard Minji coughing again. Jimin was coming downstairs carrying her. She was tightly holding onto Jimin.

"Minji!", you ran towards her.

You held your child in your arms and started rubbing her back. Lily had no sign of love on her face.

"What's wrong with her?", Jimin said in visible concern.

"I don't know."

Suddenly you felt something dripping on your shoulder. You saw Minji was having a nosebleed.

"Mom I... I can't... breath."

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