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"And you are all done mam.", the helper said putting down the makeup brush as you stared blankly at yourself in the huge mirror.

"The makeup... It did a good job, right?", you asked as her smile went down feeling pity and helpless on your situation.

Funny how precisely we can hide our wounds and scars from the world while it still burns on the inside. You have no choice but to laugh at your own pain, mocking your own self. That's why outer beauty is scary, so staged and deep.

"Here are the gloves.", she placed a pair of white lace gloves on the table which paired we'll with your off shoulder carmine red dress. You slowly put them on while they rubbed against your rope burns making you groan in pain.

"Careful, you're hurting something that's mine.", he firmly entered the room gazing upon you through the mirror as the lights shined in his small eyes making his emotions much intense.

The helper made her way out once observing his presence, apologising.

"Yours?", your eyebrows raised.

"Since when?", you looked at him with disgust.

"Since I saw you.", he turned your chin towards himself, tracing your silhouette from your forehead to neck, "I get what I want. But you, you're my need. How can I lose you?"

"It's better to lose to know the worth of something. For you everything is worthless.", you pushed his hands away and stood up in an instant.

He grabbed your wrist and pulled you closer, holding your waist with another.

"Everything sure was. Now all that I want, need, crave, beg is you, Kang Y/n.", his lips curved to form a smile, without his eyes, the realest of them all.

His daisy and rich smell induced your body. You could hear his heartbeat, beating loudly. It was like he was nervous. "What could make him nervous?" were your first thoughts.

"Anyways, one last thing.", he started to take out your gloves carefully while you proceed to glance at him with confusion.

Last? This is the 54th last time he did something.

"Your ring, take it off. I'll give you a new one, from me."

"Th-That is my engagement ring.", you pulled your hands away.

"Come on Y/n, it's of no worth.", he insisted. Everything is a joke for him.

"Shut up! I did everything you wanted but not this. I won't take it off even if you kill me.", you roared with flaming anger.

"Fine,", he grabbed your wrist tightly which worsened the pain, "I'll do it myself."

He started to forcefully pull the ring while you protested, begged in front of him. He sure does what he wants. Within no time, the ring was on the floor. He placed a new and bigger diamond ring on your finger. Not every diamond shines.

"Jimin... That was my l-last thing I owned. That was my fucking engagement ring you cheap aashole!", you screamed in his face while tears dropped over your cheeks making them wet.

"Everything here is yours too. Come on we're getting late. And wipe those big tears.", he wiped them with his thumbs over your eyes and cupped your cheeks to glance you.

What can you do with a broken heart? You sure cannot fix it again, it just won't. A broken heart is always broken further. The only way to fix it is to replace it which is impossible. Outer wounds can still be hidden and faked but the inner ones, those are the real ones. It wasn't just about a ring, it was an emotion, a memory, a piece of love on the ground.

Still MY WifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang