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Rain started pouring vigorously. The loud thunder was getting louder with each turn. You were walking back and forth in your room, scratching your neck.

"Where is he?", your heart was beating loudly, for him. You went towards the door and knocked twice to call the guard.

"Excuse me! Where is he? Is he okay? Please give me any information."

"Mam we'll tell you as soon as we get the orders. Right now I'm afraid there's no such information I can provide you. I'm really sorry."

"Ah- Anything? Just tell me he's at least alive?", one last try.


"Just this once..."

"Oh god- Okay. Jimin sir is alive, well. We can't tell you any bit more."

You let out the breath you didn't knew you were holding.

"Thank you. Thank god!"

You sat down at the corner of your bed and closed your eyes, tears escaping through it.

"I fucking hate you so much Jimin and always wanted to see you dead. But now that I actually saw it, no. Just no. I am not strong enough to take someone's life or wish for it. And I hate myself for that. I don't know if this is my profession, kindness or...or fear. But I know you can change. You need help, a help to fight against whatever holding you within itself. Please come back, please Jimin, please..."


Hoseok, Minji and his mom were eating dinner on the table. The atmosphere was quite silent. Just the clutter of crockery can be heard.


"Yes Hobi?"

"I... I think you should go back home now. Dad is also alone there and I'm recovering too."

"What happened?", Hoseok's unusual demand shocked her.

"Nothing happened Mom. It's just that I thi-"

"Hobi I'm not going anywhere. I talked to your dad and he's okay. No, I can't leave you both here Hobi. Do you think I'm a bad guardian to Minji? Just because she's not your daughter-"

"MOM!", he threw the fork in his hand on the ground and looked at her furiously. He was fed up.


"Minji go and eat in your room.", she got up without asking.

"You wanna know the truth? Okay! I am so fucking fed up of how you treat my Minji."

"Hoseok I've raised kids too! And is she even yours?"

"THAT! THAT'S THE PROBLEM! I know you raised kids too. And that's why I don't want you to raise my daughter, yes my own daughter. Don't get me started on this topic now. If Y/n was here-"

"Okay! Now I see it. You're choosing your dead wife over your mother? I would have never approved this wedding if I knew that witch will make you like this."

"You cannot talk like that about my wife.", he shouted.

Tears appeared in her eyes. She got up from her chair.

"Y-You want me to go? Okay I will. But don't forget I love you the most. One day you'll come back to me Hobi."

"Where was this mother of yours when I was about to end my life mom? Remember, in high school? Where was this mother in the past?", he teared up.
Hoseok got up from his chair and walked over to his bedroom, shutting the door close hardly. He leaned over the door and closed his eyes.

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