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"It's fine now. Thankfully it's just a sprain, nothing much."

You sat quietly as Lily was treating your shoulder. It was swollen and turned blue. You had no expressions on your face. You didn't knew what will you do now.

"Just a sprain? And that is OK?", you questioned her. Is hitting you really OK? Is hurting someone you 'love' really OK? Is everything he is doing OK?

"Well you were warned before so...", she raised her eyebrows.

"So y'all are too scared of me that you have to stop me by hurting me? That's your last straw?"

She couldn't answer. Her eye rolls were describing her losing against you.

Out of nowhere, you heard heavy footsteps coming towards you, followed by faint sound of crying.
Jimin entered the room and everyone exited without a second thought.

He was numbly staring at you, at your situation caused by him only. The tears in his eyes, weather fake or real, was continuously falling over his cheeks.

He came towards you in a wish to hug you. Before he could wrap his arms around your body, you pushed him making him fall on the ground. In the process you unknowingly hurt your shoulders.

"After what you've done Jimin, NO."

He tried to say something but it was unclear because of his heavy breathing.

"I-...P-Please for-give me.", his hands were joined to you.

"Tsk! Stop.", you murmured and looked away.

You wanted to resist your kindness but his emotions were so visible that it feels like you're at fault. He was hurt, visibly at least. His hands were shaking out of grief and guilt.
Out of the blue, Jimin started hitting himself with anything he could grab. You tried to avoid it but couldn't once he started to bang his head on the wall.
You hurriedly got up and stood between the wall and him.

"Jimin stop. STOP I SAID."

"No. I d-deserve this."

His forehead started to bleed, the white wall was painted with his blood. It was even dripping over you. No matter how much you try, Jimin wasn't stopping. You had to push him and he fell on the bed behind.

You got near him picked up the cotton to wipe off the blood. You called for help.

"Why would you do that?"

"You're...I hit you. It feels so dis-digusting. I-"

"Stop it now."

"Oh god, Jimin Sir!", Lily yelled.

"I'll handle this. It's severe.", you said not knowing why.
Your profession and kindness made you lose again.

"C-Can I h-hug you?"
His eyes were irresistible. You could feel your heart tearing apart seeing him like that for the very first time.


He wrapped his hands around your waist and pulled you closer. He rested his chin on your other shoulder and closed his eyes.
The more he felt comfortable, the more you felt uneasy. It is clear that he hurt himself just to get close to you.
His madness has no limits. Jimin is a man who'll go any limits to get what he wants. And for you, he is going any limits. He himself doesn't have a heart but can manipulate your emotions with just a snap of finger.

Can I ever make it out?

You knocked on the bedroom door.

"Can I come in?"

Jimin who was lying down with his eyes closed, waiting for you, looks up.

"Yeah, please."

You didn't wanted to treat him. You didn't wanted to be good. You didn't wanted to be affectionate. You wanted him to die, but saying that and doing that is two very different things. He's injured in front of your eyes and at this point, you could not let him just die. Even you knew that Jimin will die happily if you, especially, won't treat him. But still...

You sat beside his head. Only you knew how wrong and uncomfortable that moment was.
You touched his forehead, it was burning.

"You have high fever. Plus the injury... God!"

"You're so concerned about me for what? Do you love-", he asked with a low, raspy voice.

"I'm a doctor. It's my job. That does NOT mean I have feelings for someone I actually wanna see dead."

"Then let me die, but you should be the one to kill me. Will you?"

He knew your weakness.

You ignored his questions. The more you'll pay attention to him the more you'll get trapped in him.

You picked up the thermometer.

"Put this in your mouth."

He smirked first and then obeyed you.

You understood what he meant.

"Oh God! He's disgusting. Fuck my life."

You took the thermometer out.

"It's 102 degrees. Jimin it's too much. Plus the wound. I think we need to call someone professional."

"You are a doctor. You'll treat me."

"I'm just a pediatrician."

"I don't allow you to call anyone. It's just you.", his voice became stronger.

"Fine then! Die in here.", I turned backwards and was about to leave when I felt his burning hand gripping my waist. Within a second you were above him, your eyes and his eyes, your lips and his lips were parallel to each other.

"I hate repeating myself honey. You have no choice."

"YOU have no choice Jimin. Put down your fucking ego aside. You're ruining our life. Don't make me ruin yours too."

His grip became stronger. His hands were burning like inferno, still he was stronger than you. His whole body was shivering and burning. You hated every inch of your body that was in contact with his.

"My life? It's you. It's not ruining, I say, I'm giving the heavens in your feet. And you WILL accept it. With your will, or without."

Finally he freed you. I sprinted outside as fast as you could. You looked at your wrist. The finger marks were tattooed deeply on your skin. This will go away but the memories could never.
It wasn't making you stronger but weaker.

You again suddenly felt a strong pain in your shoulders. You noticed the bandage came off and it was looking much worse than before.

"I should treat it. It's really the last time I'm saving myself from death. After this, it's just my fate."



"Yes son."

"I still can't believe it. My w-wife, my l-love...", he sighed deeply and buried his head in his palms.

Hoseok's mother, who was sitting near him, hugged him and placed a kiss on his forehead. She gently caressed his hair.

"I know it's just... First the whole Jimin thing and now this unexpected accident. Poor Minji, she doesn't even know her mother is not gonna come home. You two even decided to stay together and... I'm sorry.", the acting was on the point.

"I need to get everything done now. I can't just sit and rot here. I have to live. As her husband, I have to clear things up now."

"I'm proud of you Hobi."

He left her grip and faced her to ask the question she didn't prepared the answer for.

"Have you got her death certificate and all?"

As expected, the fear crawled up to her face. She immediately started sweating.

"De- Umm... They- It's taking time, the hospital and all-"

"Just fucking admit it mom."

"Oh. I'll go there with Jisoo, she'll get it done faster."

"What?", a sudden yell.

"Why is-is something wrong?"

"No. You- You're not in the state dear. We'll look that up later.", she said scratching her neck, obvious sign of false statement.

"Okay then I'll send Jisoo."


"What's wrong mom? Is there something I should know?"

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