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He turns off his laptop and stretches his arms with closed, puffy eyes. His eyes slowly opened and moved towards the wall clock showing exactly one in noon.

"She should be here by now, the school is over.", he raised in eyebrows with a hint of slight tension on his face. He got up and moved towards the kitchen slowly and poured himself a glass of cold water to quench his thirst.

"It's so peaceful without mom I swear.", harsh but a reasonable thought.

The doorbell rang. He thought she came.
He slowly walked towards the door carrying a smile on his face. It was funny and sad to see how you both learned to smile in worst situation thinking about each other. He grabbed the door handle and twisted it.

"Hey princess you're he-", the smile slowly bent and his hands left the door handle he was holding onto. A lot of questions were raised, it was a tsunami of many emotions, most of them being unexplainable and bad.
His eyes saw Minji but with someone who wasn't supposed to be here, Lily.

"Hoseok, I know-"

He wasted no time to grab Minji's hands and pulled her to his side.

"LILY? You- WHAT?", he knew it was planned, planned by none other than that one person who's erasing your fate.

"Don't panic Hoseok. I want to tell you-", she was as polite as possible, but her hands were shaking.

"I know he sent you. I am NOT a fool Lily. And whe- where's Y/n? What have you both done to her?", his eyes burned in rage making Lily much more nervous and helpless as she was on her own.

"Nothing! I am so grateful to her and she is okay, fine."

"Fine? With that bastard? Oh don't you both fool me."

"I'm not! She really is okay. And she wanted me to tell you something."


"Dad, what happened?", he didn't realised Minji was there all along.

He bent down slightly to answer her.
"Princess go to your room okay? I have to talk with her."


Before the girl could leave Lily held on to her hands and said, "She is mine, Hoseok.". That was it. The trail of fierce emotions will soon be seen. He got infuriated and grabbed her hands pushing it to the side, giving her a death stare.

"Lily don't make me insult you more. Just leave. It's the last time or I will get you out of here.", he pointed.

"Don't forget she's my daughter. Yoongi is her father and not you, never you!", she raised her voice.

"Lily shut up! You, her mother? You fucking left her alone, she- she was just 6! You literally took the side of her father's murderer? Are you dumb?? Y/n is her mother and I'm her dad. Don't say more infront of her.", he clenched his jaw.

"Hoseok Y/n herself-"

"Hoseok?", Jisoo arrived there just on time before they both could literally kill each other.

"What happened and who is she?", she asked while entering inside and looked at him for the answer.

"She...", he won't answer in front of Minji.

Jisoo must have noticed the tension between Hoseok and Lily and also the confusion, fear and tiredness on Minji's face.

"Come inside and let's talk."

He nodded and the came inside the living room. She told Minji to stay inside the room and do distracted her with games to play.

"Now, who are you?", she folded her arms.

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