you drew stars around my scars

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It was late at night they were both naked under the sheets in Aaron's apartment clothes on the floor boots beneath the bed her tangled hair between his fingers like some kind of dark soft strings, their lips pressed together with so much force like they knew it will be one of their last moments to ever be this close, this intimate with each other. they pulled apart just to catch their breaths they looked at each other not saying anything it became something they do a lot, not saying anything just staring at each other, Emily was supposed to leave tomorrow afternoon it was their last night together there was no need to talk there was nothing to say.

"Have you ever had a girlfriend before?" She said suddenly "Like someone before me..." her hand on his face her thumb touching his eyebrow she didn't know why she asked that she just realised she never thought about the fact that he might loved someone else once, he smiled at her question "why are you asking?" He hoped she didn't notice but he was surprised, Hayley didn't cross his mind for so long so hearing Emily asking about her was just.... weird

"I don't know I guess I'm just curious, you don't have to answer though" she said smiling
"no it's okay" I just didn't thought about her for a long time" Aaron answered 'her' so he did have someone Emily thought

"her name was Haley we met in high school and never separated ever since" he smiled pulling Emily closer when he saw her face expression "did you love her?" she knew it didn't matter but she felt like she needed to know

"I did" he simply answered "I remember we were really happy, until we graduated and then we weren't anymore, we fought all the time I guess the distance and being without that 'school setting' just made us grew apart"

Emily nodded stroking his hair now "what about you?" He finally said she knew that at some point she'll have to tell him about Rome she doubted if it's the right time but maybe that's why she asked him about that in the first place maybe she wanted him to ask her that (or at least wanted that subconsciously) so she could tell him, so she could free herself from that.

He noticed she was slipping away, shutting down "Emily?" He softly said, catching her attention his eyes so full of warmth concern and love met hers full of tears she smiled still. Emily wasn't ready to tell him about John, when it comes to him she felt stupid, the easiness in which she agreed to give herself to him to believe him, was still bothering her. They were never in love she just forced herself to believe there was and to this day her naivety embarrassed her

So she decided she'll tell Aaron about her pregnancy but not about the father of her unborn child she didn't think she could.

"we moved a lot when I was a kid, Because of my mom's postings, you know that..." she said blinking away her tears "I do" he answered "well when I was 15 we moved to Rome, obviously I didn't liked the idea I rebelled a lot, you know that too" she laughed bitterly

Aaron didn't say anything just kept holding her tight rubbing her back encouraging her to continue, and she did "it was hard to get accepted and when you are 15 that's all you want, you'll do almost anything..." she sighed "you got pregnant" he finished her sentence he didn't asked he stated "I got pregnant" she repeated nodding, avoiding looking into his eyes she was afraid of what she'll find there now, disgust, rejection coldness?

"I didn't tell anyone not even my mother, especially not my mother I didn't know what to do, my friend suggested I talk with out priest" she took a big breath she was thankful for Aaron not saying anything she thought that if he did she'll not be able to continue

"he said that if I had an abortion I'll not be welcomed in his congregation anymore, my friend helped me, Matthew"

she smiled thinking about her friend who literally saved her life and made her feel like she was worth something

"he found a doctor he stayed with me, held my hand told me it'll be okay" now there was no stopping the tears the wall she tried to build collapsed like it was never even there "it's okay Emily you don't have to keep going" he pulled her even closer

"it's okay" he repeated, kissing the top of her head he felt her nodding under his lips she continued speaking not looking up "when we got back to Rome he held my hand and walked me into the church made sure I kept my head up even when our priest stopped his sermon" Aaron kiss her head then her forehead then her cheeks then he just hold her face between his two hands "I'm so sorry Emily" he gently put her hair away from her eyes "please look at me" he said desperately waiting for her to make eye contact with him and she did, her eyes red and full of tears he wiped them away

"Thank you" she finally said he looked at her a small smile spreading across his face "for what?

After Rome and the separation from Matthew she constantly felt damaged and hollow like she deserved everything bad that happened to her but then he came, Aaron she loved him so much that it hurt her, she didn't feel like she deserved him.

"for being you" she answered smiling at him he kissed her whispering how much he loves her.
That's how they fall asleep, in each other's arms exhausted but complete.

Well here it is last part of them happy before they break up! Let me know what you think:)

𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | hotchnissWhere stories live. Discover now